Particle Argon:"Not publishing sensor datas

Using 2 particle argon connected with 2 sensors each are not publishing sensor datas. This issue has occurred in the last few days. Earlier each sensor value was being shown but now it is not responding . The sensors used are: Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor
FC-28 Soil Moisture Sensor Module
Dht22 Temperature Humidity sensor
We contacted a particle representative who suggested that we raise the issue in the community panel.
Below are the pictures of the cloud before and after the issue

@govindharinair, you will need to show some code showing how you are doing the publishing. One possible factor is that your are exceeding the rate of one publish per second or a burst of four with a four second between bursts.

One thing that stands out is that you don't group data into a single publish, which would both reduce the number of data operations and data you use.

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give above are the codes for one device
we have used same code for other device with different sensors by changing sensor values and variables

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Hi! @govindharinair :grin:,

I'm not very good at using particle IDE :sweat_smile: since I mostly use arduino or stm cube for programming but I will try to help you with this problem :saluting_face:.

First thing first, you don't need to reuse the Serial.begin() function since you already use it once :expressionless:.

Second, I see that for publishing data to the cloud you are not using the right function.
If I'm not wrong you are using the Particle.publish() to send values to the cloud but I think you need to use the particle.Variable() instead :thinking:.

Also you're using the serial.print(), in order to use it you need to use an usb to ttl adapter to see what's the argon is sending, because I think the argon cannot send data trough the usb.

Sorry, but no to both suggestions.

  1. Particle.variable() does not send data but only exposes a variable to be requested from the cloud.
  2. Particle devices sport a USB Serial interface that does not require a USB2TTL adapter.

However, points about multiple use of Serial.begin() is correct and the way Particle.varible() is used in code line 186 are wrong.
Particle.variable() should only be used once (commonly in setup()) to initialize the "exposure" to the cloud after that the current value of the exposed variable can be requested remotely without further action of the code.

@govindharinair, you already got a sugggestion I'd also second:

When posting your code do not do this via screen shots but copy/past your code as text and place it in a code block by adding a line with ``` before and after your code.