Hi there, my P0 seems to be stuck in a firmware update loop and is unfortunately in a customer’s hand in a remote location (dubai).
Is there any fix for this? I look at the event logs from the particle console and see that the spark/status/safe-mode data looks very odd:
spark/status/safe-mode{“f”:,“v”:{},“p”:6,“m”:[{“s”:16384,“l”:“m”,“vc”:30,“vv”:30,“f”:“b”,“n”:“0”,“v”:7,“d”:},{“s”:262144,“l”:“m”,“vc”:30,“vv”:30,“f”:“s”,“n”:“1”,“v”:109,“d”:},{“s”:262144,“l”:“m”,“vc”:30,“vv”:30,“f”:“s”,“n”:“2”,“v”:21,“d”:[{“f”:“s”,“n”:“1”,“v”:21,"":""}]},{“s”:131072,“l”:“m”,“vc”:30,“vv”:26,“u”:“833336CE19ACB82B5C87F8540330DBA10229DEAEE5532D07F7E0EC2A67F889B2”,“f”:“u”,“n”:“1”,“v”:4,“d”:[{“f”:“s”,“n”:“2”,“v”:109,"":""}]},{“s”:131072,“l”:“f”,“vc”:30,“vv”:0,“d”:}]}May 11th at 12:14:50 am
Anybody have this issue before?
The user has it connected to a 4G mi-fi type device. They were running some old firmware and old particle firmware (0.5.3) and our latest firmware should have pushed it to 0.6.3.
Would appreciate any other tips - the user is not able to connect it to DFU mode or set it into safe mode as we don’t expose the setup/reset buttons.
Are there any remote commands to stop the update from commencing or a way to set the P0 to safe mode and not try to start a flash update?