Hey folks! A happy new year to all; I hope everyone was able to take a nice breather over the holidays.
I’m big on taking New Years as a time to reflect on the last year and plan for the next. As a result, I’m big on New Years Resolutions. This year I have a whole bunch. Some are the classic ones – be healthy, spend less time on my phone, etc. But one of the things that I reflected on is that it has been a while since I’ve engaged with our developer community, and that’s something I intend to change.
Once upon a time, I spent multiple hours per day in the forums interacting with you all. When the company was small we didn’t have community managers or product managers; we didn’t have specific jobs. As the company grew, we built out specialization and functions; it became specific peoples’ jobs to manage the community. That’s important and part of our growth and professionalization. But at the same time it created some distance between me and the people using Particle every day, and that is something that I want to change.
So – one of my New Years Resolutions is – I’m back! I’m planning on spending more time in the forums this year. I will likely not be the best person to answer support questions, and I will leave that up to my team. But I am eager to hear from you what you’re working on, how Particle can help, and to hear your feedback on what you want to see from us…
Expect me to be hanging around, and if you want to reach me directly, shoot me a ping. Looking forward to hearing what you all are building.