Neopixel Ring Touch Light - Night Light

I am setting up a few lights (neopixel rings with photons) that when a touch event is recorded all the lights change to the assigned light’s color. I am using code from this tutorial. I have removed his wifi code and added in my own based on a community thread here (untested as of this post).

#My Code (so far):

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <neopixel.h>

 * Project: touch_light
 * Description: A touch light that syncs with other touch lights. Adapted from
 * Author: Patrick Blesi
 * Date: 2017-12-09

#include "neopixel.h"
#include "application.h"

//WIFI Variables
unsigned long waitingWiFiMillis = 0;
bool listeningForWiFi = false;

#define D_SERIAL false
#define D_WIFI false

#define NUM_PARTICLES 3 // number of touch lights in your group
// Number each Filimin starting at 1.
String particleId[] = {
  "",                         // 0
  "", // doggy
  "", // gerbil
  "", // wizard_jetpack
  "" // Hamster

int particleColors[] = {
  0,   // Green
  90,  // Magenta
  170, // Blue
  79,  // Orange
  131  // Purple

// BASELINE_VARIANCE: The higher the number the less the baseline is affected by
// current readings. (was 4)
// SENSITIVITY: Integer. Higher is more sensitive (was 8)
// BASELINE_SENSITIVITY: Integer. A trigger point such that values exceeding this point
// will not affect the baseline. Higher values make the trigger point sooner. (was 16)
// SAMPLE_SIZE: Number of samples to take for one reading. Higher is more accurate
// but large values cause some latency.(was 32)
#define SAMPLE_SIZE 512

const int minMaxColorDiffs[2][2] = {
  {5,20},   // min/Max if color change last color change from same touch light
  {50,128}  // min/Max if color change last color change from different touch light

// 160 is approximately 1 second
const long envelopes[6][2] = {
  {0, 0},      // NOT USED
  {255, 30},   // ATTACK
  {200, 240},  // DECAY
  {200, 1000}, // SUSTAIN
  {150, 60},   // RELEASE1
  {0, 1000000} // RELEASE2 (65535 is about 6'45")

#define PERIODIC_UPDATE_TIME 5 // seconds
#define COLOR_CHANGE_WINDOW 10 // seconds


#define ATTACK 1
#define DECAY 2
#define SUSTAIN 3
#define RELEASE1 4
#define RELEASE2 5
#define OFF 6

#define LOCAL_CHANGE 0

#define END_VALUE 0
#define TIME 1

#define tEVENT_NONE 0
#define tEVENT_TOUCH 1
#define tEVENT_RELEASE 2

String eventTypes[] = {

int sPin = D4;
int rPin = D3;

#define PIXEL_PIN D2
#define PIXEL_COUNT 24
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812B

unsigned char myId = 0;

int currentEvent = tEVENT_NONE;
int eventTime =;
int eventTimePrecision = random(INT_MAX);

int initColor = 0;
int currentColor = 0; // 0 to 255
int finalColor = 0;   // 0 to 255
int lastLocalColorChangeTime =;

int initBrightness = 0;    // 0 to 255
int currentBrightness = 0; // 0 to 255

unsigned char prevState = OFF;
unsigned char state = OFF;

unsigned char lastColorChangeDeviceId = 1;

long loopCount = 0;
long colorLoopCount = 0;
int lastPeriodicUpdate =;

// timestamps
unsigned long tS;
volatile unsigned long tR;

// reading and baseline
float tBaseline;

double tDelayExternal = 0;
double tBaselineExternal = 0;

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);

void setup()

  Particle.subscribe("touch_event", handleTouchEvent, MY_DEVICES);

  if (D_SERIAL) Serial.begin(9600);
  if (D_WIFI) {
    Particle.variable("tDelay", &tDelayExternal, DOUBLE);
    Particle.variable("tBaseline", &tBaselineExternal, DOUBLE);

  strip.begin();; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

  pinMode(sPin, OUTPUT);
  attachInterrupt(rPin, touchSense, RISING);

  myId = getMyId(particleId, NUM_PARTICLES);


  // Calibrate touch sensor- Keep hands off!!!
  tBaseline = touchSampling(); // initialize to first reading
  if (D_WIFI) tBaselineExternal = tBaseline;


void loop() {
  //Check if WiFi is already established.
  if (!WiFi.ready()) {
    //Check if we are already waiting for WiFi to be ready and not listening for WiFi.
    if (waitingWiFiMillis && !listeningForWiFi) {
      //Check how long we have been waiting for WiFi to be ready.
      if (millis() - waitingWiFiMillis > 120000) {  //2 minutes wait time.
        listeningForWiFi = true;  //Set a flag so that we call WiFi.listen() once and not on every loop.
        WiFi.listen();  //Put WiFi into listening mode.
    } else {
      //Record the time that we started waiting for WiFi to be ready.
      waitingMillis = millis();
  } else {
    waitingMillis = 0;  //Reset the waiting variable if WiFi is already established.
    listeningForWiFi = false;  //Reset the listening variable if WiFi is already established.

  int touchEvent = touchEventCheck();

  if (touchEvent == tEVENT_NONE) {
    // Publish periodic updates to synchronize state
    bool touchedBefore = currentEvent != tEVENT_NONE;
    if (lastPeriodicUpdate < - PERIODIC_UPDATE_TIME && touchedBefore) {
      publishTouchEvent(currentEvent, finalColor, eventTime, eventTimePrecision);
      lastPeriodicUpdate =;

  // Random eventTimePrecision prevents ties with other
  // server events. This allows us to determine dominant
  // color in the event of ties.
  setEvent(touchEvent,, random(INT_MAX));

  if (D_SERIAL) Serial.println(eventTypes[touchEvent]);
  if (touchEvent == tEVENT_TOUCH) {
    int newColor = generateColor(finalColor, prevState, lastColorChangeDeviceId);
    setColor(newColor, prevState, myId);
    changeState(ATTACK, LOCAL_CHANGE);

//	Setup functions
// Functions used during setup

int getMyId(String particleId[], int numParticles) {
  int id = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i <= numParticles; i++) {
    if (!particleId[i].compareTo(Particle.deviceID())) {
      id = i;
  return id;

void flashWhite(Adafruit_NeoPixel* strip) {
  int numPixels = strip->numPixels();
  for (byte j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
    strip->setPixelColor(j, 255, 255, 255);
  for (byte j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
    strip->setPixelColor(j, 0, 0, 0);

void traverseColorWheel(Adafruit_NeoPixel* strip) {
  int numPixels = strip->numPixels();
  for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    uint32_t color = wheelColor(i, 255);
    for (byte j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
      strip->setPixelColor(j, color);

void fade(Adafruit_NeoPixel* strip) {
  int numPixels = strip->numPixels();
  for (int j = 255; j >= 0; j--) {
    uint32_t color = wheelColor(255, j);
    for (byte k = 0; k < numPixels; k++) {
      strip->setPixelColor(k, color);

// touch sampling
// sample touch sensor SAMPLE_SIZE times and get average RC delay [usec]
long touchSampling() {
  long tDelay = 0;
  int mSample = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) {
    pinMode(rPin, OUTPUT); // discharge capacitance at rPin
    pinMode(rPin,INPUT); // revert to high impedance input
    // timestamp & transition sPin to HIGH and wait for interrupt in a read loop
    tS = micros();
    tR = tS;
    do {
      // wait for transition
    } while (digitalRead(rPin)==LOW);

    // accumulate the RC delay samples
    // ignore readings when micros() overflows
    if (tR > tS) {
      tDelay = tDelay + (tR - tS);

  // calculate average RC delay [usec]
  if ((tDelay > 0) && (mSample > 0)) {
    tDelay = tDelay/mSample;
  } else {
    tDelay = 0;     // this is an error condition!
  if (D_SERIAL) Serial.println(tDelay);
  if (D_WIFI) tDelayExternal = tDelay;
  // autocalibration using exponential moving average on data below specified point
  if (tDelay < (tBaseline + tBaseline/BASELINE_SENSITIVITY)) {
    tBaseline = tBaseline + (tDelay - tBaseline)/BASELINE_VARIANCE;
    if (D_WIFI) tBaselineExternal = tBaseline;
  return tDelay;

//	Touch UI
// ISR for touch sensing
void touchSense() {
  tR = micros();

// touch event check
// check touch sensor for events:
//      tEVENT_NONE     no change
//      tEVENT_TOUCH    sensor is touched (Low to High)
//      tEVENT_RELEASE  sensor is released (High to Low)
int touchEventCheck() {
  int touchSense;                     // current reading
  static int touchSenseLast = LOW;    // last reading

  static unsigned long touchDebounceTimeLast = 0; // debounce timer
  int touchDebounceTime = 50;                     // debounce time

  static int touchNow = LOW;  // current debounced state
  static int touchLast = LOW; // last debounced state

  int tEvent = tEVENT_NONE;   // default event

  // read touch sensor
  long tReading = touchSampling();

  // touch sensor is HIGH if trigger point some threshold above Baseline
  if (tReading > (tBaseline + tBaseline / SENSITIVITY)) {
    touchSense = HIGH;
  } else {
    touchSense = LOW;

  // debounce touch sensor
  // if state changed then reset debounce timer
  if (touchSense != touchSenseLast) {
    touchDebounceTimeLast = millis();
  touchSenseLast = touchSense;

  // accept as a stable sensor reading if the debounce time is exceeded without reset
  if (millis() > touchDebounceTimeLast + touchDebounceTime) {
    touchNow = touchSense;

  // set events based on transitions between readings
  if (!touchLast && touchNow) {
    tEvent = tEVENT_TOUCH;

  if (touchLast && !touchNow) {
    tEvent = tEVENT_RELEASE;

  // update last reading
  touchLast = touchNow;
  return tEvent;

void setEvent(int event, int timeOfEvent, int timePrecision) {
  currentEvent = event;
  eventTime = timeOfEvent;
  eventTimePrecision = timePrecision;

void handleTouchEvent(const char *event, const char *data) {
  String eventData = String(data);
  int deviceIdEnd = eventData.indexOf(',');
  int deviceId = eventData.substring(0, deviceIdEnd).toInt();
  int eventEnd = eventData.indexOf(',', deviceIdEnd + 1);
  int serverEvent = eventData.substring(deviceIdEnd + 1, eventEnd).toInt();
  int colorEnd = eventData.indexOf(',', eventEnd + 1);
  int serverColor = eventData.substring(eventEnd + 1, colorEnd).toInt();
  int eventTimeEnd = eventData.indexOf(',', colorEnd + 1);
  int serverEventTime = eventData.substring(colorEnd + 1, eventTimeEnd).toInt();
  int serverEventTimePrecision = eventData.substring(eventTimeEnd + 1).toInt();

  if (false) {
    String response = "deviceId: " + String(deviceId) + " " +
                      "serverEvent: " + String(serverEvent) + " " +
                      "serverColor: " + String(serverColor) + " " +
                      "localEventTime: " + String(eventTime) + " " +
                      "serverEventTime: " + String(serverEventTime) + " " +
                      "serverEventTimePrecision: " + String(serverEventTimePrecision);
    Particle.publish("touch_response", response, 61, PRIVATE);

  if (deviceId == myId) return;
  if (serverEventTime < eventTime) return;
  // Race condition brought colors out of sync
  if (
    serverEventTime == eventTime &&
    serverEventTimePrecision == eventTimePrecision &&
    serverColor != finalColor &&
    myId < deviceId
  ) {
    setColor(serverColor, prevState, deviceId);
    changeState(ATTACK, REMOTE_CHANGE);
  if (serverEventTime == eventTime && serverEventTimePrecision <= eventTimePrecision) return;

  // Valid remote update
  setEvent(serverEvent, serverEventTime, serverEventTimePrecision);

  if (serverEvent == tEVENT_TOUCH) {
    setColor(serverColor, prevState, deviceId);
    changeState(ATTACK, REMOTE_CHANGE);
  } else {
    changeState(RELEASE1, REMOTE_CHANGE);

void setColor(int color, unsigned char prevState, unsigned char deviceId) {
  lastColorChangeDeviceId = deviceId;
  if (prevState == OFF) currentColor = color;
  initColor = currentColor;
  finalColor = color;
  colorLoopCount = 0;
  if (D_SERIAL) {
    Serial.print("get Color From Server Final color: ");
    Serial.print(", ");
    Serial.print(", ");

int generateColor(int currentFinalColor, unsigned char prevState, int lastColorChangeDeviceId) {
  int color = 0;
  int now =;
  Serial.println("generating color...");
  if (prevState == OFF || lastLocalColorChangeTime < now - COLOR_CHANGE_WINDOW) {
    color = particleColors[myId];
  } else {
    bool foreignId = (lastColorChangeDeviceId != myId);
    int minChange = minMaxColorDiffs[foreignId][0];
    int maxChange = minMaxColorDiffs[foreignId][1];
    int direction = random(2) * 2 - 1;
    int magnitude = random(minChange, maxChange + 1);
    color = currentFinalColor + direction * magnitude;
    color = (color + 256) % 256;
    // color = 119; // FORCE A COLOR
  lastLocalColorChangeTime = now;
  if (D_SERIAL) { Serial.print("final color: "); Serial.println(finalColor); }
  return color;

void changeState(unsigned char newState, int remoteChange) {
  prevState = state;
  state = newState;
  initBrightness = currentBrightness;
  loopCount = 0;
  if (D_SERIAL) { Serial.print("state: "); Serial.println(newState); }

  if (remoteChange) return;

  if (newState == ATTACK || newState == RELEASE1) {
    publishTouchEvent(currentEvent, finalColor, eventTime, eventTimePrecision);

void publishTouchEvent(int event, int color, int time, int timePrecision) {
  String response = String(myId)  + "," +
                    String(event) + "," +
                    String(color) + "," +
                    String(time)  + "," +
  Particle.publish("touch_event", response, 60, PRIVATE);

void updateState() {
  switch (state) {
    case ATTACK:
      if (loopCount >= envelopes[ATTACK][TIME]) {
        changeState(DECAY, LOCAL_CHANGE);
    case DECAY:
      if ((loopCount >= envelopes[DECAY][TIME]) || (currentEvent == tEVENT_RELEASE)) {
        changeState(SUSTAIN, LOCAL_CHANGE);
    case SUSTAIN:
      if ((loopCount >= envelopes[SUSTAIN][TIME]) || (currentEvent == tEVENT_RELEASE)) {
        changeState(RELEASE1, LOCAL_CHANGE);
    case RELEASE1:
      if (loopCount >= envelopes[RELEASE1][TIME]) {
        changeState(RELEASE2, LOCAL_CHANGE);
    case RELEASE2:
      if (loopCount >= envelopes[RELEASE2][TIME]) {
        changeState(OFF, LOCAL_CHANGE);

  currentBrightness = getCurrentBrightness(state, initBrightness, loopCount);
  if (currentColor != finalColor) {
    currentColor = getCurrentColor(finalColor, initColor, colorLoopCount);

  uint32_t colorAndBrightness = wheelColor(currentColor, currentBrightness);

int getCurrentBrightness(unsigned char state, int initBrightness, int loopCount) {
  if (state == OFF) return 0;
  int brightnessDistance = envelopes[state][END_VALUE] - initBrightness;
  int brightnessDistanceXElapsedTime = brightnessDistance * loopCount / envelopes[state][TIME];
  return min(255, max(0, initBrightness + brightnessDistanceXElapsedTime));

int getCurrentColor(int finalColor, int initColor, int colorLoopCount) {
  if (colorLoopCount > LOOPS_TO_FINAL_COLOR) return finalColor;
  int colorDistance = calcColorChange(initColor, finalColor);
  int colorDistanceXElapsedTime = colorDistance * colorLoopCount / LOOPS_TO_FINAL_COLOR;
  return (256 + initColor + colorDistanceXElapsedTime) % 256;

int calcColorChange(int currentColor, int finalColor) {
  int colorChange = finalColor - currentColor;
  int direction = (colorChange < 0) * 2 - 1;
  colorChange += direction * (abs(colorChange) > 127) * 256;
  return colorChange;

void updateNeoPixels(uint32_t color) {
  for(char i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, color);

// Wheel

uint32_t wheelColor(byte WheelPos, byte iBrightness) {
  float R, G, B;
  float brightness = iBrightness / 255.0;

  if (WheelPos < 85) {
    R = WheelPos * 3;
    G = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
    B = 0;
  } else if (WheelPos < 170) {
    WheelPos -= 85;
    R = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
    G = 0;
    B = WheelPos * 3;
  } else {
    WheelPos -= 170;
    R = 0;
    G = WheelPos * 3;
    B = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
  R = R * brightness + .5;
  G = G * brightness + .5;
  B = B * brightness + .5;
  return strip.Color((byte) R,(byte) G,(byte) B);

I want to set the lights up to turn on after sunset until the morning to a low amber color. Touch functions should remain the same and return to the amber color at night or off during the day. I don’t know a way to find out the times automatically. The lights will be in different time zones with at least one on another continent.

Thanks in advance for your guidance.

You can use the TimeAlarms.h library in order to write this very simply. You can follow these steps in order to add TimeAlarms to your project. I think you will be able to figure out how to add it from below:

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <TimeAlarms.h>

void setup() {; //The time zone for this particular device based on the UTC location of each device
    Alarm.alarmRepeat(6, 31, 0, SunriseLightsOn); //Set the time for sunrise based on local time zone
    Alarm.alarmRepeat(7, 53, 0, SunsetLightsOff); //Set the time for sunset based on local time zone

void loop() {
    //Your normal touch code for the lights

void SunriseLightsOn() {
    //Turn the lights on

void SunsetLightsOff() {
    //Turn the lights off
1 Like

The previous examples won’t work if you do not add this in main loop.

void loop() {

Go it working after adding that. Thanks @Drewmo, :beers: I as not aware of this libraries. Very useful for my project.

I assume it’s base of Paul Stoffregen libraries?