Muons and shipping mode


if I got it right, shipping mode in Tracker devices is implemented with the help of the bq24195 PMIC (looking at tracker_shipping.cpp).

Since the Muon has one too, would it be possible to enter shipping mode in a Muon by using the same code?

If the answer was yes, what are some creative ways of exiting shipping mode?
Can the device exit shipping mode if power is applied to the VIN terminals?

Thank you

Yes, you can use shipping mode by disabling the BATFET in the PMIC. However since the Muon doesn't implement the cmd function handler, you need to do that from your own code.

There's only one way to exit shipping mode: apply power externally not from the battery (because it's disconnected). It can be USB or VIN. It should also work with PoE on boards that support it.


awesome, thanks!

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