Muon and battery voltage

Hey, I see the battery goes into the PM-BAT module on the Muon carrier.

How low can this battery voltage go without any damages and still the M-SoM being able to operate?

It's best to keep the voltage above 3.6V but there are two parts to this:

  • The cellular modem voltage (VCC) is recommended to be 3.6V to 4.2V.
  • The RTL872x runs from the 3V3 supply, which should be 3.3V. The MCU will enter brownout mode around 3.0V.

We don't believe that either should be damaged by low voltage, as neither the RDP bit issue on the STM32F205 ("dim d7") or the SARA-R410 power down issue should apply on the M-SoM.

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