I’ve been working on adding a Mobile landing page to our main website - it’s still not live yet but it will feature all the links and resources for mobile app development for the Particle platform across all supported platforms.
In addition I want to add a section for community-built tools and I’d love to get some submissions that will be featured on our website and get exposure. Entries should be focused around open source tools that help mobile apps development / libraries that enable mobile apps integration with 3rd party tools. Repo should be documented at least with a basic readme
so users will understand how to use the suggested tool. All mobile platforms are encouraged!
For now the modest shortlist is:
- Xamarin NuGet port of our SDK, built by community member @DrWatson.
- HomeKit/Siri integration with Particle devices via HomeBridge built by @krvarma and @nikita_leonov (two cool example integration app utilizing HomeBridge, home automation PoC app with sensors and LED)
I’m sure I missed some great stuff,
so feel free to respond to this thread or email me with awesome submissions / suggestions.
Thank you!