hello! i’m new. i’ve start to study and use particle photon at school and i try to create a very simple mobile app. at the beguinning i’ve created a web app or html page to interact with my photon. with this app i can turn on led d0,d7 make a beep or start nyan on d0. the html works fine. i’ve tried to make a simply mobile app with adobe PhoneGap build. i’ve created my github repository with html and find on github a repository with xlm code. i’ve created the app and installed on my android. but when i try to lanch a command it give me an error page. it say webpage not available. impossible to connect: https:api.particle.io/v1…
i copy my code. if someone can help me i’ll really apriciated the help. thank you in advance.
Hi @onide! I wish I could help, but I’m unfamiliar with Adobe PhoneGap. As your html appears to be working without issue, I don’t suspect that this is an issue with the Particle API or with the call itself. I recommend bringing the issue to the PhoneGap Community. I’m happy to give any advice I can from the Particle side during that process.
I don’t have a clue about this but I did some research and I was able to run my function on photon just from WordPad. I just changed and added one thing:
instead of :
It’s my pleasure
harder challenge, better challenge
I hope I helped somehow by the way , i’m learned today that I can run my functions get variables just with notepad on my phone