Missing code in tutorials and sections out of order


The Blink an external LED example illustrates how to wire the circuit, but then it never follows up with the corresponding code. The documentation gets to

Next, we're going to load code onto your device.

but no code follows. Instead, the documentation immediately begins a new example: Read your photo sensor: Function and Variable with a new project and circuit.
In the Intro section of this example, the docs read, "Paste the following code into your IDE, or just access the examples on the left hand menu bar in the online IDE.", but no code follows. Instead, there is the Setup section (wiring instructions), followed by instructions on reading schematic diagrams, and finally the example code for the project several pages back. It looks as if the Code section should precede the Schematics section.

Huh. No one has ever noticed that before!

The code is the same as the previous example (blink an LED) but change the definition of MY_LED to the pin you connected the external LED to.

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