@peekay123, our setups sound similar. My xenon w/ ethernet wing is in the basement, and then other xenons are scattered about the house. However, for the rest of my xenons, I didn’t plan out risers & routing like you did, having the ‘10s of meters’ thought in my mind. All of mine are certainly within 10 meters of at least one other one. This evening I will try laying things out more intelligently, and bringing them online slower. I think I will also source a few of those antennas.
@armor connecting my xenon with particle ethernet featherwing adapter was very easy & it is rock solid. I had a problem at first with ipv6 packets messing with the stability of mesh-connected nodes, but I’ve resolved that. See here for that story.
@RWB & @peekay123 thanks for confirming that I’m not alone. I’ve done very little with the devices so far, except try to get them all talking to the cloud.