Make a phone call with particle boron

I have a particle boron with a 3rd-party (Claro) sim working well.
The particle boron measures temperature changes and make a phone call in case the temperature varies by 2 degrees. ( no sms )
Has anyone been able to make a phone call with a particle boron?

That is not supported on the Boron and the ublox module used on them.

Hi Oscar,

Iā€™m linking this library in case an SMS would do the job.
If not, you could use Twilio to make that phone call from the Boron. Integration needed.


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Hi all,
I was able to send sms using AT commands, but what I need is to make calls directly from code, but apparently that is not possible.

Hello ScruffR,
Do you have any recommendations to achieve this purpose?

one way, if you use Twilio, is to send a webhook to their API and they will make the call for you.
This is from a quick search in their docs:

you'll need to get a twilio account, then setup everything required so once you hit their API with a Particle webhook, the call can go out.



I was able to make calls via AT commands using a 3 part chip, without audio, just ringing the phone.


I have twilio setup and doing sms and phone calls for several projects and it works good when you get it setup. Just takes a little bit but well worth it.