Lookup binaries.particle.io: i/o timeout

I can't get past this. I have done a manual uninstall of Node, NPM and Particle CLI with no resolution.

I have scoured the forums, but the resolution evades me and I have no idea what comes next.

I'm running a MacBook Pro M.1 and Terminal is running under Rosetta. The actions from inside VC Code, Workbench also fail, as one would expect.

2023/08/26 19:06:34 Time since last update 15m36.626639546s, update in block
2023/08/26 19:06:34 particle: Adding dependencies...
2023/08/26 19:06:35
2023/08/26 19:06:35 ▸ Get "https://binaries.particle.io/node/v16.20.0/node-v16.20.0-darwin-x64.tar.gz": dial tcp: lookup binaries.particle.io: i/o timeout
2023/08/26 19:06:35
2023/08/26 19:06:35 ▸ Error rebuilding packages.

▸ Try running again with GODE_DEBUG=info to see more output.
2023/08/26 19:06:35 done
2023/08/26 19:06:35 particle: Installing plugins...
2023/08/26 19:06:35
2023/08/26 19:06:35 ▸
2023/08/26 19:06:35
2023/08/26 19:06:35 ▸ fork/exec bin/node: no such file or directory
2023/08/26 19:06:35 particle: Installing plugins (retrying)...
2023/08/26 19:06:35
2023/08/26 19:06:35 ▸ Error installing package.

▸ Try running again with GODE_DEBUG=info to see more output.

Really? No one has any advice.

Well, never mind. I found a post on stack overflow from someone who did the following:

From a non-Rosetta termianal, run

brew uninstall --force node
brew uninstall --force npm


brew install node

Now particle-cli works just fine in Rosetta. I am concerned with the fact that I have to run in Rosetta and with such old node/npm code.