Local compiler does not use v5.3.1 gcc-arm toolchain

Does this mean we have to call Particle: Launch Compiler Shell once after starting VSCode?

no, we want this to be easy :slight_smile:

Particle: Launch Compiler Shell is just an interactive version of the environment our local compilation tasks run in - if it works, local compilation should as well.

try this:

  1. run the Particle: Create Project command (ctrl/cmd+shift+p then type “particle” and select from the list) and follow the prompts. upon completion, your new workspace should be loaded.
  2. run the Particle: Configure Workspace for Device command and select the Device OS version and your hardware platform (e.g. deviceOS@0.7.0 and photon or if you are using our new Gen 3 hw, deviceOS@0.8.0-rc.25 and argon, etc). depending on your selection, you may see additional dependencies start to download & install.
  3. write or import some basic “hello world” code in the ./src/<your project name>.ino file within your workspace
  4. from the main menu bar select: “Terminal > Run Task…” and run one of the compilation or flash tasks (e.g. Particle: Compile application (local))
  5. connect your device and put it into DFU-mode (docs)
  6. select “Terminal > Run Task…” and run the Particle: Flash application (local) task.

your new firmware should be flashed and your device should restart where you can verify your program is running as expected.

if you run into problems, can you note the step from the list above where the problem occurred?