Ledger does not work

Hi everyone,

I am trying to start exploring Ledger function by following the tutorial "Ledger sensors". I am using Photon2 and the Device OS version is 6.2.0.
However, when I am opening the Ledger in console and create "device to cloud" ledger, no instance can be found in the website. the Log.info can be correctly shown, but I just cannot find any instance.
I noticed that this might be the problem of "products" in the website console which fail to allow me add my Photon2 to any of the existing product or creating a new product.
Can I get any suggestion on how to deal with it?

Thanks for all the answer and patience,

Ledger only works with product devices, so that is probably at least part of the issue.

Products can only have one type of device, so you can only add a Photon 2 to a P2/Photon 2 product.

If you can't add the device to a product of the appropriate type, it's typically because it's already in a different product, or you do not have permission to add devices to the product. It can also happen with free tier products if the owner has reached the maximum number of free product devices.

Hi @rickkas7
So much thanks to the reply.
I am trying to manage my product through the website console. However, I cannot access all the existing product. there is a warning showing:" There was a problem accessing your product. Please try again later."
I was trying to manage with Particle CLI, which is given me error:" Error adding device(s) to product: HTTP error 404 from https://api.particle.io/v1/products/sensors/devices"

How do I deal with this situation? How can I add photon 2 to the current product?