Keepalive for 3rd party sim is mandatory?

Hi, thanks for your comment.
My application only post message to server and does not require input from the server. So it is good to know that I don’t need to handle keepAlive function.
Since I am only using library implemented here TlsTcpClient library on WebIDE published not exactly sure why electron fails to post message to the server.
So I decided to turn Cellular off and on again to regain connection to the server as below.

void resetNetwork()
   unsigned long connectTime = millis();
   int sec = 0;
   Serial.println("Cellular Off");;
   Serial.println("Cellular On");
   Serial.println("Cellular Connect");
   while(Cellular.connecting()) {
      if((millis() - connectTime) > 1000) {
         connectTime = millis();
         Serial.printf("elapsed %d\r\n",sec);
   STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set("TM", "", "", NULL)); /* SET APN */

After running above code, I finally can re-establish connection to the server.
Do you think this solution is ok?