Solved this by adding jw.finishObjectOrArray(); after the last insertKeyValue(key, value).
Note: I installed the library locally using Particle Workbench, not web IDE. Also, it’s not evident in the library example files that this is necessary. For example, in the library demo/example file [generator-JsonParserGeneratorRK.cpp] I would have expected the strcmp to fail since there is no trailing brace.
#include "Particle.h"
#include "JsonParserGeneratorRK.h"
const unsigned long TEST_RUN_PERIOD_MS = 10000;
unsigned long lastRun = 0;
void runTest();
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (millis() - lastRun >= TEST_RUN_PERIOD_MS) {
lastRun = millis();
void runTest() {
// This creates a buffer to hold up to 256 bytes of JSON data (good for Particle.publish)
JsonWriterStatic<256> jw;
// Creating a scope like this in {} with a JsonWriterAutoObject in it creates an object,
// and automatically closes the object when leaving the scope. This is necessary because
// all JSON values must be in either an object or an array to be valid, and JsonWriter
// requires all startObject to be balanced with a finishObjectOrArray and JsonWriterAutoObject
// takes care of doing that automatically.
JsonWriterAutoObject obj(&jw);
// Add various types of data
jw.insertKeyValue("a", true);
jw.insertKeyValue("b", 1234);
jw.insertKeyValue("c", "test");
// Verify the results
if (strcmp(jw.getBuffer(), "{\"a\":true,\"b\":1234,\"c\":\"test\"}")) {
Serial.printlnf("test mismatch got %s", jw.getBuffer());
Serial.println("test passed!");
I’m having a similar problem. Originally I declared JsonWriterStatic<256> jw; as a global variable, however I keep getting multiple sets of readings in the {{{PARTICLE_EVENT_VALUE}}} field. I moved it inside the function and now I only get the current reading. Problem is, the Json object is no longer closing.