This is my first post here. (I’m new to Particle)
I’ve tried to find answers to my issue, unsuccessfully.
I’ve setup the Workbench & VS on my mac (10.14) and I can cloud compile and could flash my project on my Argon (1.5.0).
I’m trying to use the debugger cable but the dfu-util command cannot connect to the argon :
debugger board led is lightened.
there is a new file named /dev/tty.usbmodem14302 when I plug the cable into the usb port.
but when I try to local flash I got the following error :
Unable to connect to the device unum_argon. Make sure the device is connected to the host computer via USB
make: [dfu] Error 1 (ignored)
I cannot find out where to set the usb information ( /dev/tty.usbmodem14302) in the settings.
I have a Mac OS setup with Workbench, but the way I execute DFU commands is by using the command line in a standard terminal. I’m also using direct USB, not JTAG so factor that in… To use DFU on Mac in this way you’d need to make sure you have the Particle CLI installed. Instructions here:
Since you can see /dev/tty.usbmodem14302 you have hardware connectivity. The device now needs to be in DFU mode. Instructions here:
To enter DFU Mode:
Hold down BOTH buttons
Release only the RESET button, while holding down the MODE button.
Wait for the LED to start flashing yellow (it will flash magenta first)
Release the MODE button
With DFU mode enabled and a hardware connection ready with dfu-util you should be able to run DFU commands. For example flashing core firmware “particle flash --usb <system-part.bin>”…
Can someone else speak to JTAG unique steps or the Workbench side?
You now have the Argon still connected by USB cable AND the debugger board connected to the mac with the cable correctly connected between the debugger board and the ARGON?