From what I've read from the docs, the only way to request new device vitals is through the API or from the device console.
I know I could use an event to trigger a webhook that would make a POST request to the Particle API to request new vitals, but this seems pretty cumbersome.
Is there a function in the firmware to send the device vitals event? If there was, I could make my devices subscribe to an event and publish the device vitals on command, or I could make a cloud function that would make my devices send the device vitals event.
PS: My ultimate goal is to get the device vitals into Losant in the least convoluted way possible.
Here's how long the flow would look like for Losant to get the device vitals from a device:
Losant -> Particle Function -> Device -> Publish Webhook Trigger -> Webhook -> Particle API -> Device -> Publish Device Vitals -> Losant
It just feels weird having to use a webhook to make a request to the Particle API.
I guess I could also do:
Losant -> Particle API -> Device -> Publish Device Vitals -> Losant