Hey Guys I had a idea real quick and wanted to get some feedback from everyone here about it.
So I’m planning on selling some of our products through numerous retail locations like Verizon Wireless, Sprint, AT&T, T Mobile, ect…
I’m going to start with the highest traffic locations and plan to have a demo booth that shows off our product + have a small video screen that will play a informational video (Commercial) while the customer is in front of this demo display.
Here is one video display I found at a store that played a video for the product anytime you pushed the red button. I thought it was a nicely finished design so I snapped a picture of it so I would remember who made it later.
The design not really what I’m looking for for my project but the concept is the same. A LCD Screen that plays a video stored in memory anytime a switch is pushed or a sensor is activated, or maybe just in a continuous loop.
I was like if I added the Spark Core to this type of setup I could actually view the interaction data from each retail location these were setup at and keep track which locations were the hottest or which demo stand attracted the most people. You could track the amount of time somebody spent at the demo unit by using a close proximity sensor of some type.
I’m sure there is lots more that could be done that would be beneficial but I haven’t had time to think it all out.
Does anybody have any good ideas or input about something like this and the options that the Spark core could bring to this type of sales setup?
Looks like the perfect place to add internet connectivity to improve ROI.
Pictures of the Guts!