I have been moving my park sensors over to the Particle platform and it has been a great experience. With my sensors deployed in remote locations, reliability is key. To that end, I have built a carrier board for the Electron with an external Texas Instruments TPL5010 watchdog timer. You can see the hardware part of this project on this (long) dedicated thread. This thread focuses on the software required to make this work.
First, let me define the objectives of this software:
- To reset the Electron if it locks up
- To reset the Electron if the code is still running but the data it sends is not getting through
Both of these are common failure modes and I don’t want to have to physically visit the device to reset it.
When I use reset in this post, it is a “pin reset” and not a hard (power cycle reset). The carrier board also supports hard resets but I will cover this separately.
Also, and I apologize if this is obvious, here is how the watchdog works. You set a timer interval by choosing a resistor value - from 100mSec to 2 hours. Then, the watchdog will send a signal to your Electron where you set up an interrupt looking for a transition from LOW to HIGH. Upon seeing that interrupt, the Electron needs to send a signal to the watchdog saying “done” and this much be done before the interval is up. This is sometimes called “petting” the dog. If the watchdog is not pet in time, it will pull the Electron’s reset pin low. Here is a picture of what this looks like.
Rather than share all the code, I will post the relevant snippets here. However, there are some elements of the overall program that are important.
- The software must constantly save its “state” so that a reset does not cause you to loose data or functionality. I backup the state of the machine’s variables to a FRAM chip on the carrier. You can use the EEPROM on the Electron itself.
- You will need to think about the timeframes needed for your watchdog timer. For my purposes, a 30 watchdog cycle can cover both the “lockup” and the “data not sent” issues. If the timeframes for these are radically different (i.e., a lockup condition cannot last more than 1 second but I am ok to try to retransmit data for an hour) then you may need two watchdog timers.
- You need to have a closed loop for your data. In my case, I am sending data to Ubidots via a Webhook and then getting a response back from Ubidots via a Webhook response.
- You need to track the number of times your watchdog resets the Electron. This should be a rare event. If it is not, you have software quality or signal strength issues you need to focus on.
Here is the code you will need to make this work
- Define your variables. You will need to define the pins for the watchdog connection, the state variables for the interrupt service routine:
// Pin Constants
const int donePin = D6;
const int wakeUpPin = A7; // This is the Particle Electron WKP pin
// Program Variables
int resetCount; // Counts the number of times the Electron has had a pin reset
volatile bool watchdogPet = false; // keeps track of when we have pet the watchdog
volatile bool doneEnabled = true; // This enables petting the watchdog
- In Setup, you need to set the pinMode and attach the interrupt for the “wake” pin. I used A7 (the WKP pin) as I eventually want to implement sleep and this pin will wake up the Electron. You also need to check to see if the Electron is rebooting after a “pin reset” and keep track of this. Remember, watchdog resets should be rare events. I store this value in FRAM for reporting. Also, you need to subscribe to the Webhook responses.
pinMode(donePin,OUTPUT); // Allows us to pet the watchdog
attachInterrupt(wakeUpPin, watchdogISR, RISING); // The watchdog timer will signal us and we have to respond
resetCount = FRAMread8(RESETCOUNT); // Retrive system recount data from FRAMwrite8
if (System.resetReason() == RESET_REASON_PIN_RESET) // Check to see if we are starting from a pin reset
FRAMwrite8(RESETCOUNT,resetCount); // If so, store incremented number - watchdog must have done This
Serial.print("Reset count: ");
Particle.subscribe("hook-response/hourly", myHandler, MY_DEVICES); // Subscribe to the integration response event
Particle.subscribe("hook-response/daily", myHandler, MY_DEVICES); // Subscribe to the integration response event
- Define the Watchdog Interrupt Service Routine. Remember to keep it short with no Serial.prints or Delays.
void watchdogISR()
if (doneEnabled)
digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(donePin, LOW);
watchdogPet = true;
- In the main loop, you can put this optional indicator to help you with troubleshooting. This is not needed in production code.
if (watchdogPet)
Serial.println("We have pet the watchdog");
watchdogPet = false;
- When you send data, you need to reset the watchdog timer and then set a flag that prevents petting the dog. This flag will only be reset in two ways - upon receving the correct response code or upon reset.
bool SendEvent(bool hourlyEvent)
// Take the temperature and report to Ubidots - may set up custom webhooks later
digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(donePin,LOW); // Pet the dog so we have a full period for a response
doneEnabled = false; // Can't pet the dog unless we get a confirmation via Webhook Response and the right Ubidots code.
Serial.println("Watchdog petting disabled");
int currentTemp = getTemperature(0); // 0 argument for degrees F
stateOfCharge = int(batteryMonitor.getSoC());
String data = String::format("{\"hourly\":%i, \"daily\":%i,\"battery\":%i, \"temp\":%i}",hourlyPersonCount, dailyPersonCount, stateOfCharge, currentTemp);
if (hourlyEvent) Particle.publish("hourly", data, PRIVATE);
else Particle.publish("daily", data, PRIVATE);
return 1;
- Since you have subscribed to the Webhook responses, you can parse the response and re-enable watchdog petting if you get the proper response code. This handler is specific to your service - I use @aguspg 's Ubidots.
void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data)
if (!data) { // First check to see if there is any data
Serial.print("No data returned from WebHook ");
Serial.print(" returned ");
String response = data; // If there is data - copy it into a String variable
int datainResponse = response.indexOf("hourly") + 24; // Find the "hourly" field and add 24 to get to the value
String responseCodeString = response.substring(datainResponse,datainResponse+3); // Trim all but the value
int responseCode = responseCodeString.toInt(); // Put this into an int for comparisons
switch (responseCode) { // From the Ubidots API refernce
case 200:
Serial.println("Request successfully completed");
digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH); // May have missed responding to an interrupt while petting disabled
digitalWrite(donePin,LOW); // Pet the dog so we have a full period for a response
doneEnabled = true; // Successful response - can pet the dog again
case 201:
Serial.println("Successful request - new data point created");
dataInFlight = false; // clear the data in flight flag
digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH); // May have missed responding to an interrupt while petting disabled
digitalWrite(donePin,LOW); // Pet the dog so we have a full period for a response
doneEnabled = true; // Successful response - can pet the dog again
case 400:
Serial.println("Bad request - check JSON body");
case 403:
Serial.println("Forbidden token not valid");
case 404:
Serial.println("Not found - verify variable and device ID");
case 405:
Serial.println("Method not allowed for API endpoint chosen");
case 501:
Serial.println("Internal error");
Serial.print("Ubidots Response Code: "); // Non-listed code - generic response
So, there you have it. Please take a look and let me know if you have questions. Also, if there is a better way to do this, I am very open to your suggestions.