I2C LCD work for spark core?

sorry i don’t know ? support for spark core

128x64 LCD DS12864LCD


I couldn’t tell if that one uses the SSD1306 chip but the displays with the SSD1306 are pretty popular with Particle devices. I am using one myself, very easy to setup and use. I have this exact one, using I2C for comms. http://www.amazon.com/Diymall-Yellow-Serial-Arduino-Display/dp/B00O2LLT30/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1441018283&sr=8-2&keywords=ssd1306

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@fangda01, all Digole “smart” displays support Serial/I2C/SPI communications and the library is easily used with both Core and Photon devices. I use these devices often. Have you looked at the color LCD unit?



i have ssd1306 OLED 0.98 ’ and devolop code work but it small LCD i want to increase size same solution pixel