How to video for compiling locally in Windows

Great vid! As I also said in the video response, youtube creates 1 problem:

path = C:\SparkCorePrograms\dfu;C:\SparkCorePro­-grams\Git\bin;C:\SparkCorePrograms\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.8 2013q4\bin;C:\SparkCorePrograms\GnuWin32­-\bin

The stripes added by youtube in the Git path (SparkCorePro - grams) and in the GnuWin32 - path are not visible when pasting in the windows settings but they do appear as a wierd E in the command prompt, and they make your path useless. After deleting those Es everything worked as it should :smile: Thanks a lot :smile:

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I create a chocolately package for all the dependencies. sparkcore-build
One command line call and everything is installed. Should speed up the setup process and remove the mistakes around environment variables.

Wow is local building and flashing way faster!


Local compilation tip …
Several code snippets I have seen on this site use types like uint8_t or uint32_t. These are defined in the header file #include <stdint.h> and make it quite clear how long your int is supposed to be.
If you are using local compilation you will get the compillation error message " ‘uint32_t’ does not name a type" unless you make sure that in your code you #include “application.h” before your own includes or explicitly #include<stdint.h> yourself.

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seulater… thank you… now for days I have been occupied with learning NetBeans. I have lots of things operating well, have been able to create separate projects, have projects with V3 SPARK FW and some with old versions to test backwards.
I have a new user question. application.cpp… I want to be able to create EACH project with a UNIQUE application name. I can not yet find how to assign names to this project file. Is this a “locked” parameter??? Can you point me to the method for defining a new name in NetBeans build/definition files???

Very nice tut!

I have a question.
How do i create new projects in NetBeans so it uses the needed firmware without editing it in all my existing projects?
If i copy an old project to create a new one with the same configurations,the files in both the old and the new gets updated when i edit in them… And how many of the files are actually getting uploaded to the Core? Is all the files from the src folder needed in all projects?

I feel dumb, but…

When I try to ‘Make’, I get an error: ‘make’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I’ve quadruple-checked the path, updated the path for ‘GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.8 2014q1’ (from the previous … 4.82013q4).

I’m sure I’m missing something simple but cannot figure it out. Meanwhile I’m trying to install an embedded controller for a client that I built, but I need to compile the files locally so that I can fix them to work without the cloud.

Please help a poor old EE without much programming experience!



Oh SNAP. It was the dumb hyphen on the path setting from the YouTube page.

Never Mind.

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Hi, thanks for the excellent tutorial. I now exclusively use netbeans for spark dev becuase of this tutorial, it really has helped me out so thank you.

I have a few questions though. I’d like to create my projects in my own projects folder, I don’t really feel comfortable creating file inside core-firmware/src folder, isn’t this where the spark firmware lives and as such shouldn’t I put my file somewhere else then just link using a make file to the firmware libraries I need. For instance, being new to netbeans and spark core, it looks to me that whenever I create a project I’m pulling in everything from the spark core firmware, do I need to do this? Like, if I’m not using servos could I ommit that file from my projects make file?

I’m sorry to be ignorant but I really like the IDE and would like to be able to use it without feeling like I’m sort of stumbling round in the dark, I just need a little guidance on how to organize my projects from someone who knows. I would research it myself only I think what I need to know may be a little specific to the core firmware when used in netbeans.

Thanks again, Rick.

Wow @seulater thanks! I’ve tried other IDE’s and no go, but your great instructions on the video worked 1st time.

Can you tell me how to set up GDB in Netbeans so that I can debug via USB?

Particularly, what would the “Debug command” look like?


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I’m sorry, maybe it is a silly issue but I am stuck here. Everything was being awesome until 10:40 to build repositories. When I type “make” does not happen anything, instead appears “make” is not a command. Tha path is ok, everything until here was perfect. Could you tell me what to do in this case, please. I would appreciate. Regards.

Hi @afromero,

Hmm, if you’re compiling on windows and make isn’t working, make sure you’re in a command prompt that has the build tools in your path. Try looking for a “Bash command prompt” or a “git command prompt”, and make sure you’re in the “core-firmware/build” directory.

It’s possible you might have deleted your makefiles or something, so also try a git status to see if you’ve modified / removed those files, and you can use git to bring them back safely.

I hope that helps!


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I did all the steps few months ago in my laptop and I did not have any problems.
Now I am trying to set other computer in order to develop Spark firmware from it.
I have found two problems:

  1. The dfu link does not work. I have taken my old file from my hdd.
  2. When I try to “build” (after doing the git pull) it cannot compile. I receive this message:
Building core-common-lib
Building file: ../CC3000_Host_Driver/cc3000_common.c
Invoking: ARM GCC C Compiler
mkdir -p obj/CC3000_Host_Driver/
arm-none-eabi-gcc -g3 -gdwarf-2 -Os -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb  -I../CC3000_Host_Dr
iver -I../SPARK_Firmware_Driver/inc -I../SPARK_Services/inc -I../SPARK_Services/
src/inc -I../STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/inc -I../STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc
-I../CMSIS/Include -I../CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F10x/Include -I. -ffunction-section
s -Wall -Wno-switch -fmessage-length=0 -MD -MP -MF obj/CC3000_Host_Driver/cc3000
00_Host_Driver/cc3000_common.o ../CC3000_Host_Driver/cc3000_common.c
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, arm-none-eabi-gcc -g3 -gdwarf-2 -Os -mcpu=cor
tex-m3 -mthumb -I../CC3000_Host_Driver -I../SPARK_Firmware_Driver/inc -I../SPARK
_Services/inc -I../SPARK_Services/src/inc -I../STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/inc -I
../STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc -I../CMSIS/Include -I../CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F
10x/Include -I. -ffunction-sections -Wall -Wno-switch -fmessage-length=0 -MD -MP
 -MF obj/CC3000_Host_Driver/cc3000_common.o.d -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DSTM32F10X
_MD -DRELEASE_BUILD -c -o obj/CC3000_Host_Driver/cc3000_common.o ../CC3000_Host_
Driver/cc3000_common.c, ...) failed.
make (e=2): El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.
make[1]: *** [obj/CC3000_Host_Driver/cc3000_common.o] Error 2
make: *** [check_external_deps] Error 2

Can anybody help me? Thanks

I am unable to flash using DFU.

0x08005000 is not writeable
Could anyone give me feedback for this issue?

You are using a Core command on a Photon. Here’s the full DFU commands:

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Thanks a lot for the useful link, now I am able to flash using DFU :smiley:

I did this to compile locally for a particle photon while following the video.

My make command is make PLATFORM=photon APP=MyApp
and run command is: dfu-util -d 0x2B04:0xD006 -a 0 -s 0x80A0000:leave -D C:\Spark\firmware\build/target/user-part/platform-6-m/myapp.bin

I put my device in dfu mode with the press of a button and the function System.dfu();

I would like to know if it’s possible and how to speed up a little bit the make? Right now I’m using the make PLATFORM=photon APP=MyApp but the make is loosing time checking the services-dynalib and hal-dynalib and many other things that I will never change. Is it possible to make only the “user part”? I’m pretty sure the answer is easy but I dont know how.


If you execute the make from the main directory instead of modules it will only build the app part which is significantly faster.

Thanks! Yes it’s around 1 min faster but it still take 40 seconds and loosing a lot of time doing this

make[2]: Entering directory /c/Spark/firmware/hal-dynalib' make[2]: Nothing to be done forall’.
make[2]: Leaving directory /c/Spark/firmware/hal-dynalib' make -C ../../../services-dynalib make[2]: Entering directory/c/Spark/firmware/services-dynalib’
make[2]: Nothing to be done for all'. make[2]: Leaving directory/c/Spark/firmware/services-dynalib’
make -C …/…/…/system-dynalib
make[2]: Entering directory /c/Spark/firmware/system-dynalib' make[2]: Nothing to be done forall’.
make[2]: Leaving directory /c/Spark/firmware/system-dynalib' make -C ../../../rt-dynalib make[2]: Entering directory/c/Spark/firmware/rt-dynalib’
make[2]: Nothing to be done for all'. make[2]: Leaving directory/c/Spark/firmware/rt-dynalib’
make -C …/…/…/wiring
make[2]: Entering directory /c/Spark/firmware/wiring' make[2]: Nothing to be done forall’.
make[2]: Leaving directory /c/Spark/firmware/wiring' make -C ../../../communication-dynalib make[2]: Entering directory/c/Spark/firmware/communication-dynalib’
make[2]: Nothing to be done for all'. make[2]: Leaving directory/c/Spark/firmware/communication-dynalib’
make -C …/…/…/platform
make[2]: Entering directory /c/Spark/firmware/platform' make[2]: Nothing to be done forall’.
make[2]: Leaving directory /c/Spark/firmware/platform' make -C ../../../wiring_globals make[2]: Entering directory/c/Spark/firmware/wiring_globals’
make[2]: Nothing to be done for all'. make[2]: Leaving directory/c/Spark/firmware/wiring_globals’

The thing is, while you know that nothing has changed in the system files, make doesn’t and has to check in order to learn that.

OK thanks for the info!