Using the w5500 chip to SPI1 on Electron (pins D2 thru D5 = #27 thru 30; w/o interrupt, reset),
But it doesn't seem to come alive; in fact Electron breathes white and doesn't output to "particle serial monitor" either.
Starting from the top with SPI1 -
Confirmed default vs optional pins -
With libs (and cascades to other libs like w5500.h, EthernetClient.h, etc.) -
And updated lib w5500.cpp / .h with both "SPI1" and its pin "D5" -
Also in Ethernet.cpp / .h (apparently optional parameter now D5) -
So not sure if I'm missing some libs yet or SPI1 inadvertently took over the Cellular connection? Because I have not touched that part..
And forgive but I didn't see the NCD thread / lib rounded out on the w5500 chip...
(For example NCD_Ethernet_Overlay.cpp / .h doesn't contain real functions yet.)
What does your actual main application source look like? What system mode and threading mode are you using?
Breathing white indicates the device is running in cloud disconnected mode, so my guess is that your main code is not attempting to connect, which will only ever use cellular on the Electron. The Electron can't use Ethernet for the cloud connection or for built-in classes like TCPClient or UDP so it shouldn't conflict.
Since you don't connect to the cloud until loop() I'd guess that something called from setup() is blocking. I'd just keep adding serial debug statements until you figure out what.
Ok see that's another thing, not getting any serial debug statements, even tho 'particle serial monitor' connects fine... and even tho I'm using (avoid Serial.Println that may block).
And you think Particle.connect() should go up in Setup()?
Coz I have it in Loop() so that my setupParticleCloud() has time to run in Setup();
Believe you / the docs said that Particle.function and Particle.variable should be put at end of Setup() such that -
any user code can register with the cloud, and
still has to happen quickly so that cloud actually registers (doesn't timeout)
In fact that's the only reason (I can recall) to do SYSTEM_MODE(SEMI_AUTOMATIC) and SYSTEM_THREAD(ENABLED), so that Particle.connect() can be run manually again (even tho it's prob run automatically earlier, no?)
Not entirely sure what could block, like wrong MAC (does it even matter)? DHCP didn't issue? etc.
Which Ethernet library are you using? You'd have to search there, as the Electron does not support the Ethernet class that's described in the docs and I've never used Ethernet on Gen 2.
That's using the class Ethernet in the NCD_Ethernet_Overlay library in the file Ethernet.h in the library.
The definition of the Ethernet class in spark_wiriing_ethernet.h isn't used because the header file is protected with #if test and Wiring_Ethernet is 0 for Gen 2 devices including the Electron.
And you're saying don't call Ethernet.begin but rather EthernetClass.begin (more specifically, eClass.begin, below) as defined in the NCD lib (vs the other / default / incompatible Ethernet lib)?
So then -
EthernetClass eClass;
EthernetClient eClient;
byte mac[] = { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed };
IPAddress locIP(10,1,1,102);
IPAddress servIP(10,1,1,39);
int servPort = 1701;
void setupTCP()
lastLogT = millis();
void loopTCP()
if (millis() - lastLogT >= tcpRead) {
lastLogT = millis();
if (!cnxT) {"Trying Eth.begin");
eClass.begin(mac, locIP, locIP, locIP);"Eth IP addr is: %s", eClass.localIP().toString().c_str());
if (!eClient.connected()) {
if (eClient.connect(servIP, servPort, 1)){"Connected to serv");
} else {"Could not cnx to serv");
Noting the repeat locIP is just repeating the same IP as a default value for the local w5500, before it connects to remote (server) TCP socket.
And that I don't really want to alter the NCD lib, just use as-is and then further implement read, write in my own TCP file.
And following the lib chain -
That <Ethernet.h> above resolves to NCD_Ethernet_Overlay (and so forth) -
No, Ethernet.begin() is correct. EthernetClass is the C++ class name, Ethernet is the single instance of that class (scroll down to the bottom of the Ethernet.h file to see it).
But in looking at W5500.cpp, the problem is that the library does not work with SPI1. Every call to SPI is hardcoded to SPI to you'd need to modify the library to use SPI1.
You'll have to dig in farther then. I'd add serial print statement when it reads a register. If it's coming back all 0xff or 255, then the W5500 is not responding, which could be a connection issue.
I did also uncomment the SPI1.beginTransaction statements in w5500.cpp / .h, going by other forum threads where I believe you said the beginTransaction is important for traffic on SPI bus