Actually looks like I can’t edit that one. Here’s all the info in one place. I’ve modified this for 1.4.4. This should work with any version of deviceOS though.
A full explanation is coming but you can clone this repository . The only thing you’ll need to install is jlinkexe
. Here’s a link to that download:
You need to download all the files that match your device. This incluedes the Soft Device, Bootloader, System Part and Tinker images. Here’s a whole zip for 1.4.4 for each of the Particle Mesh boards:
- argon-bootloader@1.4.4.bin 40.9 KB
- argon-softdevice@1.4.4.bin 149 KB
- argon-system-part1@1.4.4.bin 637 KB
- argon-tinker@1.4.4.bin 12 KB
- xenon-bootloader@1.4.4.bin40.9 KB
- xenon-softdevice@1.4.4.bin149 KB
- xenon-system-part1@1.4.4.bin599 KB
- xenon-tinker@1.4.4.bin11.1 KB
- boron-bootloader@1.4.4.bin40.9 KB
- boron-softdevice@1.4.4.bin149 KB
- boron-system-part1@1.4.4.bin652 KB
- boron-tinker@1.4.4.bin11.4 KB
All links are from the release page on Github:
Remember, you’ll need to program the system part and the tinker app to make sure everything is working afterwards. My xenon got into a weird state probably due to programing an image out of order.
Here are the steps for anyone else who’s interested:
- Run the following to program the soft device
./ --flash-softdevice /path/to/softdevice.hex
- Then, run to program the bootloader.
./ --flash-bootloader-bin /path/to/xenon-bootloader@1.4.4.bin 0xf4000
- The device should be blinking yellow. Next, let’s program the system part:
particle flash --usb /path/to/xenon-system-part1@1.4.4.bin
- Finally, lets flash Tinker to make sure everything works!
particle flash --usb /path/to/xenon-tinker@1.4.4.bin
You should be able to substitute any version of deviceOS with the one I used above. Just make sure that the boot loader, system part and Tinker are all the same version.
Here’s a picture of my setup:
Side note: the purple board is a level translator board I designed a while back. Works great for designs that are < 2.25V.