I would like to get some data from a JSON object in a binary way, so I can send it later through serial port.
I receive the JSON object from a tcp server, and the object includes some strings with Unicode chars.
If I get the value using .valueString() method, the value is transformed to a plain text string that includes unicode formatting chars. How can I get this value without modifying the string?
Let’s say I have next JSON object:
"commands": [
"cmd": "\u001A\u001B\u0005\u001B"
"cmd": "\u001C\u001D\u0005\u001B"
@rickkas7, how can I access any of “cmd” values without converting them into a plain text string in the commented line in next code?:
#include "JsonParserGeneratorRK.h"
JsonParserStatic<1024, 50> parser;
const char * str = "{\"commands\": [{\"cmd\": \"\\u001A\\u001B\\u0005\\u001B\"},{\"cmd\": \"\\u001C\\u001D\\u0005\\u001B\"}]}";
void runTest();
bool runFlag = true;
// setup() runs once, when the device is first turned on.
void setup() {
//open serial port
Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1);
// loop() runs over and over again, as quickly as it can execute.
void loop() {
if (runFlag){
runFlag = false;
void runTest() {
int dataToSend[256];
//How can I access for example parser[commands][1] and retrieve its data in a binary way (not converted to String), so then I can binary write it to serial?
//strcpy(txt, ???, ???);