How to activate industrial relays in 24v

Hi all,

This is my first post on this forum. I post from Switzerland and i use Particle a long time but only with sensors 3.3v or 5v or sensor ControlEverthing

I now want to automate some of my installations. I want to find quality equipment to operate my relays.

Do you have any idea how I can proceed to automate 5v or 12v or 24v relays from Digital output ?
I need a solution that can easily integrate a switchboard

I think I use transistors, but I need a printed circuit already built. I have the relay.

Thanks a lot for your help.

When you already know ControlEverything boards, you could either opt for any of their high power relay boards directly or use the low power or SSR boards to control your high power relays.

On the other hand designing your own PCB to FET control the relays - or having it designed - may be a cheaper option depending on quantity of units and relays you want to control.

Thank you very much for your help, yes I know ControlEverything. I already use this kind of component, but I want to be able to use the Analog and Digital outputs of the controller.

Do you have a good supplier to advise me to manufacture printed circuit boards ?

I have worked together with a fellow Swiss who had created some great PCBs for his project, maybe @neurotrade can chime in on this and share his experiences with his supplier.

I searched for ready-made solutions on the internet.

Do you think this system could work?

Can you provide a little more information for what your goals are?
Do you want to monitor the status of a 24VDC circuit with the Particle Device, and then act on that by switching a relay ?

I was using the service and it worked good for me.


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To finish while waiting for a solution I implanted my Xenon with 230V relays.

Thank you all for your help. I made a call to a freelancer on a platform to create the component I need.


There is a new board at Sparkfun designed for 24V system monitoring and control. This board does not really play in the Particle or feather environment, but like most Sparkfun designs, they publish the schematics and those could serve as a good example for you:

Schematics here:


An infiltration of water on a xenon = :tired_face:

Today I received a gift from the post office. My new SSD relay

It’s gone for a stress phase. 5’000’000 change of state. For this i use a Xenon with a simple code, change the statu in output all 250ms. The xenon is monting in Board