People need to have a look at this page and click on the heading titles. To put things into perspective I started with the Spark Core about 4 years ago and only have 253 Likes. Check out these other forum users.
@ScruffR 8,900 Likes
@peekay123 6,000 Likes
@rickkas7 4,000 Likes (Actually employed by Particle)
@bko 3,700 Likes
@Moors7 3,300 Likes
@kennethlimcp 3,000 Likes
@BDub 2,900 Likes (Another one actually employed by Particle)
The list has 37 users before you get to my level. This community and some great hardware is what makes the Particle product so impressive. Just thought I would send a shout-out to all the helpers out there.
All 4 of my Xenons have crashed again, so I can’t test out any Mesh networking until Particle allows us to add Argons to a network like was mentioned in this post Help Understanding Mesh Network Pricing After Free Gateways Are Used Up?
On a positive note: The Parent Advisory Committee at my school (the PAC) just gave me money to make 8 RC and Wifi (Photon or Argon) Self driving and Wifi controlled cars. Teacher’s your PAC is a huge resource if you follow their rules. I can’t use the cars for teaching but can use them in a club!
I made a test version a few years ago with this failed kickstarter . Recently my students and I solved the time lag issue with a websocket. We got the Particle Cloud time lag of about 1200 ms down to 7 ms using a websocket the video is here github for websocket here
Just arrived 1 of the 8 RC Cars . This is an RC Pro Shredder a fair bit cheaper than Traxxas Cars.