I am hoping to setup a virtual device for testing purposes and I was able to successfully compile the HAL branch for gcc to get an executable. This executable comes with instructions/help as follows:
Other than that, there doesn’t seem to be any documentation on the usage of the executable. I attempted to use the private der encoded rsa key from a particle device and the public server key for the actual particle cloud; however, I was unable to connect. In a second attempt I turned to a fork of the spark-server https://github.com/Brewskey/spark-server but was still unable to get the virtual device to connect (I was unsure how to register the devices ID with the server without using the particle cli which gives errors when no actual device is plugged in or the hacky approach of manually editing the spark-server’s data files which I would prefer to avoid). Eventually I hope to get the virtual device connected to the cloud (or a local server) and to be able to flash it with my project for local memory testing. Could anyone point me to documentation or give me some pointers on usage, generating appropriate RSA keys for a virtual device, or flashing a virtual device?