One of my photons seems to have a hardware problem : the connection of the module to the board seems flakey…
If it gets touched, even a little, it immediately crashes and restarts. Sometimes it restarts just fine, sometimes not so much and it takes a few resets and re-connect of the wifi via the app to get it back…
Does this sound familar to anyone? Should I try for a return?
I can confirm this issue with at least one photon I have.
Even a slight amount of pressure on the top of the P0 shield causes a short and resets the photon.
The metal case of the module on the Photon is not as stiff as the metal housing on the Core. Pressing down on the housing can cause a short on the photon. This doubles as a sort of “reset-button” since the photon will cut power / reset to protect itself during the short, although I would guess that’s probably not encouraged.