I’d love to add internet to my existing microcontroller board (rs-232)… allowing the user to control the led and display status on a web page real-time! But writing a tcp/ip stack or learning enough web/socket programming to implement a web server seems like a huge task!
However, with so many “cloud” platforms
(spark.io, xively,nimbits, iobridge, thingspeak,pinoccio, electricimp,opensense, smartthings, etc)
and so many wifi and wired modules
(Redpine, Wiznet, Roving Networks/Microchip (ZG2100MC), TI (CC3000, RDK-S2E), lantronix (xport), etc)
that it’s hard to tell what all the differences are, or if all these address different problems.
So In general, is the idea these modules encapsulate a web server so that all a user’s microcontroller does is push new web pages, and retrieves new data that the user has entered on a form or clicked?
If so, once implemented are you tied to the particular platform solution forever? I.e. Could I install a CC3000 on custom board (non-arduino) and have it talk directly to a computer on the network (without using any cloud services)?