You can’t call a sleeping/offline Particle device’s Particle.function().
Since the device is asleep or offline, it can’t respond to the call(s) and hence the call will timeout.
The closest would be #408, but that is not actually the case here, since your request to instruct the cloud to call the device function didn’t timeout, but the request originating from the cloud towards the device did, so you didn’t get a HTTP error response, but a success response of the cloud containing the extra information that the device didn’t reply appropriately in time (didn’t return an int return value).
At the time I did that call, the device was marked by particle list as online, but did not have any functions listed. So I think that means I interpret that as sleeping.
I Have this issue but my device is online.( looking at it and connected on serial to it, whenever i get a command, i echo it on the serial) any thoughts?