Purchased yesterday and could not put it down! Fills in many holes in the online doc for a new user. Great and complete explanation and examples for Cloud API. Must have for new Core/Photon users.
@Bendrix, it is great. Particle was selling copies in their booth at the San Francisco Maker Faire last weekend
I am starting to play with a Core, but I’m also a complete circuit newb. Can you recommend this book or others for learning the basics of circuits?
This one looks like it might be good, and a new revision just came out: http://www.amazon.com/Make-Electronics-Learning-Through-Discovery-ebook/dp/B013PVRTEK
@dthomp325, a quick search gives:
There are a lot of online resources. The book you point to may give you a good foundation but leave out the Core. Arduino books will give get you closer with some adaptation (Core works with 3.3v logic, most Arduinos use 5v logic). Getting a maker kit is also a great way to get great parts and learn at the same time.