This is another basic code that might be of help to other programming novices like me who are attempting to use the Grove Starter Kit for Particle Mesh with their mesh devices.
Several members on this forum helped me complete my first project as described here:
For my current project, I connected the Light Sensor from the Kit to a Xenon and then connected the Chainable RGB LED to an Argon. With the following codes, the Xenon will read the light sensor and send that info using Mesh to the Argon. The RGB LED connected to the Argon will change colors (yellow if light intensity is above a specified threshold (i.e., "on") at the remote Xenon, and green if "off." The Argon will also publish a note of either "on" or "off" to the Particle Cloud.
I hope the code is of help. This code has NOT been reviewed by more experienced programmers so there are likely some better ways to do this but I know it works. Have fun!
Code for the Xenon:
int photoresistor;
int threshold = 700;//threshold for sensing light,if above
//light goes ON, if below light goes OFF (> = ON, < = OFF)
unsigned long lastSensorRead = 0;
unsigned long sensorInterval = 5000;//I choose to read the sensor every 5 seconds
//and then publish
void setup()
void loop()
//Use a millis timer for non-blocking code design.
if (millis() - lastSensorRead > sensorInterval)
photoresistor = analogRead(A2);//read the photoresistor
if (photoresistor > threshold)
Mesh.publish("light", "on");
Mesh.publish("light", "off");
//Update the sensor read millis timer.
lastSensorRead = millis();
Code for the Argon:
#include <Grove_ChainableLED.h>
#define NUM_LEDS 1//I only have one light in the chain
ChainableLED leds(D2, D3, NUM_LEDS);
int onR = 255;//color of led when light is on
int onG = 255;
int onB = 0;
int offR = 0;//color of led when light is off
int offG = 255;
int offB = 0;
bool light = false;
void lightHandler(const char *event, const char *data)
Particle.publish("X1-light", String(data), PRIVATE);
if (strcmp(data, "on") == 0)
leds.setColorRGB(0, onR, onG, onB);
light = true;
leds.setColorRGB(0, offR, offG, offB);
light = false;
void setup()
Mesh.subscribe("light", lightHandler);
void loop()