Error on open SetCommState: File not found, serial problems

I have a Photon that I’ve been working with for a few weeks now and have been able to flash just fine up until now. Now when I start the device I get a blinking blue light and nothing else. This in itself isn’t a big issue (simply setup the WiFi), but setting the WiFi now has proven problematic.

When I run some of the command line options, I get some success. For example:
particle identify (works fine)
particle serial identify (works fine, but didn’t work the first few attempts)
particle flash --usb tinker (works fine now, but failed upon first few attempts, same error as below OR it couldn’t detect the device in DFU mode, which it was)
particle setup wifi (after the first two questions: error: open setCommState, File not Found. Serial problems, please reconnect your device). Reconnecting my device doesn’t fix anything. I’ve reinstalled the Windows drivers to no avail either.

Most anything I try to resolve the issue with says:
Error setCommState: File not found.

I can’t connect with Putty anymore either. I’m thinking I have an issue with the serial driver on the Photon itself, but flashing it hasn’t fixed it. Not sure what to do now. Anyone have any ideas?

I’m running Windows 10, Photon Core 0.6.2 (I think)

@socceroreo, use a different USB cable if possible. Also, do a full shutdown of your Windows PC and then start it up again. I find Windows can be weird with serial ports sometimes. On Windows 10, the only driver you should need is Zadig.

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