Electronics Simulator? fritzing vs. circuits.io vs. easyeda vs...?

Hey folks,

I see a bunch of simple simulators online to help noobs like me get started. Below I have a list of the top hits on google…anyone have any experience with any? Most of them work natively with Arduino but not seeing any with the particle products…thoughts? Some way to import the particle products into some of these tools?

Not even 100% sure it’s really necessary as you could get 95% there with arduino board and code and just verify pins…but I’m surprised at how many things I can screw up lol.

Of course there are tools like Eagle but holy complicated for getting started.


Circuits IO
Circuit Lab
Easy EDA

Found a part for Fritzing if anyone is looking for it.

@srfnmnk I’ve used both Circuits.io and Fritzing. Unfortunately as you pointed out, the coding portions of these apps only work with Arduino. There wouldn’t be a way to import Particle products into these apps, you would have to request them to be added. I’d put my hope into Circuits.io, they make frequent updates.

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