Electron SOS for Program with Software Timers - Works on Photon - SOS on Electron

I am building a student satellite package to be used in rockets and high altitude balloons. It integrates a bunch of sensors (IMU, barometer, GPS), stores the data locally and reports telemetry via either cellular (Electron - when planned altitude up to about 5k’), WiFi (Photon, when altitude up to about 30k’ and a more specialized radio for HAB and sounding rockets.

I originally built the package for Electron, then moved it (for OTA debug cost reasons) to Photon to finish some debugging. 98% of the package worked on Electron (all but the GPS) and it now works on the Photon just fine (other than some compile time differences (battery status, antenna choice, signal quality). When I move back to the Electron - it loads OTA and then gives a red SOS pattern from the system LED - reboots (system LED white?) - cycles thru blinking green, a short period of breathing cyan and back to red SOS.

Program runs on Photon. When I recycle the Electron thru safe mode, I can run small other programs on the Electron (GPS test program for example) but when I reload this program it ends up in SOS mode again.

Any thoughts? Program below.


This is the core code of the 2016 S4 (Small Satelleites for Seconddary
Students) Particle (either Photon or Electron) based payload.

Ken Biba

9DOF sensor I2C
Baro Sensor I2C
Serial 0 (USB) - diagnostic
Serial 1 - GPS
Serial 2 - Storage

On Photon telemetry is via WiFi, on Electron cellular

Optional for LoRa radio

Save to storage happens at 10 Hz
Telemetry is currently 1 Hz based on Particle Cloud limitations of 1/event/second

#include "SparkFunLSM9DS1/SparkFunLSM9DS1.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "SparkFun_MPL3115A2/SparkFun_MPL3115A2.h"
#include "Serial4/Serial4.h"
#include "SparkFunMAX17043/SparkFunMAX17043.h" // Include the SparkFun MAX17043 library
#include "TinyGPS++/TinyGPS++.h"

// Mode
#define DIAG        TRUE            // Print to serial port diagnostic stream
#define ELECTRON    

// Communication Configuration

#define CLOUD       TRUE            // Tranmit to Particle cloud 
#define WIFI        FALSE           // WiFi enable?
#define CELL        TRUE            // Cellular enable?
#define LORA        FALSE           // LoRa enable?   LoRa can be enabled in parallel with either WiFi or Cellular
#define SAVE        FALSE           // Local storage enable?

// Sensors configuration

#define IMU         TRUE            // Photon IMU sensors enabled
#define BARO        TRUE            // Baro sensor enabled
#define GPS         TRUE            // GPS sensor enabled
#define POWER       TRUE            // Battery sensors enabled
#define STORAGE     FALSE           // Local storage enabled

#define BAROMODE    TRUE            // Barometer mode.  False is altimeter mode
#define BAROSAMPLE  3               // Barometer oversampling rate.  Major overhead if much higher

#define STORAGESPEED    38400       // Speed of serial interface to storage for microSD card
#define STORAGETIME     100         // Time between state storage
#define GPSSPEED        9600        // Serial speed to GPS
#define TELEMETRYTIME   1000        // Milliseconds between telemetry messages.   For Electron at 1/second it is 1000.
#define FLIGHTTIME       500        // Milliseconds between flashes.   Blue flash indicates 3D GPS lock and ready for flight.

#define FLASHTIME       1000        // LED flash interval in milliseconds
#define LED     7

#ifdef PHOTON
#define SSID    "S4"                // SSID of WiFi access point when used with Photon

// LSM9DS1 Library Init //
// Use the LSM9DS1 class to create an object. [imu] can be
// named anything, we'll refer to that throught the sketch.
LSM9DS1 imu;

// Example I2C Setup //
// SDO_XM and SDO_G are both pulled high, so our addresses are:
#define LSM9DS1_M	0x1E // Would be 0x1C if SDO_M is LOW
#define LSM9DS1_AG	0x6B // Would be 0x6A if SDO_AG is LOW

// 9DOF Output Settings //

// Earth's magnetic field varies by location. Add or subtract 
// a declination to get a more accurate heading. Calculate 
// your's here:
// http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#declination
#define DECLINATION 13.67 // Declination (degrees) in San Francisco, CA

// Create instance of baro sensor

MPL3115A2 baro = MPL3115A2();                       //create instance of MPL3115A2 barrometric sensor

// Create instance of fuel gauage for the Electron

FuelGauge fuel;

#ifdef PHOTON
// Create instance of fuel gauge for the Photon with Sparkfun Battery Shield


// State vector of the pocketQube

struct pocketQube {
    bool storeEnable = true;
    bool telemetryEnable = true;
    int year;
    byte month;
    byte day;
    byte hour;
    byte minute;
    byte second;
    long milli;
    CellularSignal sig;
    float voltage;
    float soc;
    float pressure;
    float temp;
    float palt;
    float lat = -999.99;
    float lon = -999.99;
    float galt;
    int     sats = 0;
    bool    gpsLock = false;
    float accelX;
    float accelY;
    float accelZ;
    float gyroX;
    float gyroY;
    float gyroZ;
    float magX;
    float magY;
    float magZ;
    float roll;
    float pitch;
    float heading;
    String  buffer = "";
    long lastTime = 0;
    int lostPackets = 0;
    bool ledState = false;
//    Other sensors
} pq;

void diagnostic (String message) {
    String debug;
    if (DIAG) {
        debug = millis();
        debug.concat(": ");

// GPS Sensor

// The TinyGPS++ object

TinyGPSPlus gps;

bool initGPS() {
    pq.year = Time.year();
    pq.month = Time.month();
    pq.day = Time.day();
    pq.hour = Time.hour();
    pq.minute = Time.minute();
    pq.second = Time.second();

void getGPS() {

    // Process GPS strings, decode and store in state vector
    pq.gpsLock = false;
    while (Serial1.available()) gps.encode(Serial1.read());
    if (gps.location.isValid()) {
        pq.sats = gps.satellites.value();
        pq.lat = gps.location.lat();
        pq.lon = gps.location.lng();
    if (gps.altitude.isValid()) {
        pq.galt = gps.altitude.meters();
    if (gps.date.isValid()) {
        pq.year = gps.date.year();
        pq.month = gps.date.month();
        pq.day = gps.date.day();
    if (gps.time.isValid()) {
        pq.hour = gps.time.hour();
        pq.minute = gps.time.minute();
        pq.second = gps.time.second();
    pq.milli = millis();
    if (pq.sats >= 4) pq.gpsLock = true;


//  This function formats the pocketQube state vector as a string.

String  formatCellular() {
    // convert PocketQube state into a string 
    pq.buffer ="";

    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.milli)); pq.buffer.concat(":");
    // Telemetry signal data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.rssi)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.qual)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Power data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.voltage,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.soc,0)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Location data - lat,lon, alt
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lat,5)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lon,5)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.galt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sats)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gpsLock)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Baro data - pressure, palt, temp
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pressure,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.palt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.temp,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // IMU Data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");                                
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.roll,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pitch,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.heading,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    return (pq.buffer);

String formatWiFi() {
            // convert PocketQube state into a string 
    pq.buffer ="";

    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.milli)); pq.buffer.concat(":");
    // Telemetry signal data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.rssi)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.qual)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Power data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.voltage,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.soc,0)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Location data - lat,lon, alt
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lat,5)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lon,5)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.galt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sats)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gpsLock)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Baro data - pressure, palt, temp
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pressure,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.palt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.temp,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // IMU Data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");                                
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.roll,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pitch,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.heading,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    return (pq.buffer);

String formatLoRa() {
    pq.buffer ="";

    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.milli)); pq.buffer.concat(":");

    // Telemetry signal data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.rssi)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.qual)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Power data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.voltage,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.soc,0)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Location data - lat,lon, alt
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lat,5)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lon,5)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.galt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sats)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gpsLock)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Baro data - pressure, palt, temp
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pressure,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.palt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.temp,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // IMU Data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");                                
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.roll,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pitch,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.heading,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    return (pq.buffer);

String formatStorage() {
    // convert PocketQube state into a string 
    pq.buffer ="";

    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.milli)); pq.buffer.concat(":");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lostPackets)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Telemetry signal data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.rssi)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.sig.qual)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Power data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.voltage,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.soc,0)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Location data - lat,lon, alt
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lat,3)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.lon,3)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.galt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // Baro data - pressure, palt, temp
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pressure,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.palt,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.temp,1)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    // IMU Data
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");                                
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.magZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.accelZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroX,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroY,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.gyroZ,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.roll,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.pitch,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    pq.buffer.concat(String(pq.heading,2)); pq.buffer.concat(",");
    return (pq.buffer);

// Local storage

void saveStorage () {
    // Save PocketQube state in local storage
    // Use the local Photon storage initially
    // Use external I2C storage as possible
    // Use either external solid state storage or microSD as file system on Serial4

    if (SAVE && pq.storeEnable) {
        pq.buffer = formatStorage();
    diagnostic("Save executed");

bool initStorage () {
    // Initialize the local storage
    if (SAVE) Serial2.begin(STORAGESPEED);
    return (TRUE);

void sendTelemetry () {
    // Send current PocketQube state via either/both the Cloud or the LoRa modem
    // Almost all telemetry channels (except WiFi) have limits on how fast the telemetry channel is
    // We throttle the speed of the telemetry channel via the TELEMETRYRATE parameter
#ifdef ELECTRON    
    if (pq.telemetryEnable)   {
        // Format and send a cellular frame
        pq.buffer = formatCellular();
        Particle.publish("telemetry", pq.buffer);
        pq.lastTime = millis();

    if (LORA && pq.telemetryEnable)  {
        // Format and sent a LoRa frame
        pq.buffer = formatLoRa();
        pq.lastTime = millis();
#ifdef PHOTON
    if (pq.telemetryEnable) {
        // Format and send a WiFi frame
        pq.buffer = formatWiFi();
        Particle.publish("telemetry", pq.buffer);
        pq.lastTime = millis();


bool initTelemetry() {
    pq.lastTime = 0;
    if (LORA) initLoRa();
    if (CLOUD)  initCloud();
    return (TRUE);

// Initialize Clourd (WiFi or Cellular) Particle connections
bool initCloud () {
    // Initialize WiFi and/or cell Cloud connections
#ifdef PHOTON
    Particle.variable("pqstate", pq.buffer);
    Particle.function("storeEnable", storeToggle);
    Particle.function("telmtyEnable", telemetryToggle);

//  Initialize LoRa modem
//  Find a LoRa mode that gives a couple kb/s of performance and send 1 message/second.
bool initLoRa () {
    // Initialize LoRa modem
    return (TRUE);

bool sendLoRa (String message) {
    return (TRUE);

// Baro sensor functions

// Initialize baro/temperature sensor
bool initBaro() {
    if (BARO) {
  	    if (!baro.begin()) return (FALSE);
        //MPL3115A2 Settings
    if (BAROMODE)     baro.setModeBarometer();                    //Set to Barometer Mode
    else baro.setModeAltimeter();
        baro.setOversampleRate(BAROSAMPLE);                  // Set Oversample to the recommended 128
        baro.enableEventFlags();                    //Necessary register calls to enble temp, baro ansd alt
    return (TRUE);

// Get pressure/temperature data from baro sensor into PQ state vector
void getBaro () {
    if (BARO) {
        pq.pressure = baro.readPressure();
        pq.palt = baro.readAltitude();
        pq.temp = baro.readTemp();

// Fuel Gauge functions

// Get power levels from battery system into PQ state vector
void getPower() {   
    pq.voltage = fuel.getVCell();
    pq.soc = fuel.getSoC();
#ifdef PHOTON
	// lipo.getVoltage() returns a voltage value (e.g. 3.93)
	pq.voltage = lipo.getVoltage();
	// lipo.getSOC() returns the estimated state of charge (e.g. 79%)
	pq.soc = lipo.getSOC();

void initPower() {

#ifdef PHOTON
	// Set up the MAX17043 LiPo fuel gauge:
	lipo.begin(); // Initialize the MAX17043 LiPo fuel gauge

	// Quick start restarts the MAX17043 in hopes of getting a more accurate
	// guess for the SOC.


// Get RF signal levels into PQ state vector
void getSignalQuality() {
    pq.sig = Cellular.RSSI();
#ifdef PHOTON
    pq.sig.rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
    if (LORA) ;


// Flash system LED to show this program in control

void flashLED () {
    if (!pq.ledState) {   
        pq.ledState = true;
        if (pq.gpsLock) digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
    } else {
        pq.ledState = false;
        digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

// Timer ledFlash(FLASHTIME, flashLED);

Timer telemetryTimer(TELEMETRYTIME, sendTelemetry);
Timer flightReady(FLIGHTTIME, flashLED);
Timer saveTimer(STORAGETIME, saveStorage);

void setup() 
    // Initialize sensors
    if (!initIMU()) diagnostic("IMU sensor failure");
    if (!initBaro()) diagnostic("Baro sensor failure");
    // Initialize local storage (if any)
    if (!initStorage()) diagnostic("Storage failure");
    // Initialize GPS
    if (!initGPS()) diagnostic("GPS failure");
    // Initialize telemetry
    if (!initTelemetry()) diagnostic("Telemetry failure");
    pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
    telemetryTimer.start();                             // Start telemetry timer to send telemetry periodically
    flightReady.start();                                // Start LED with flight status based on 3D GPS lock
    saveTimer.start();                                  // Start storage save timer

void loop()
    // Get sensor values into pocketQube state vector
    pq.milli = millis();
    // Get IMU sensor values
    getGyro();                                  // Get gyro values
    getAccel();                                 // Get acclerometer values
    getMag();                                   // Get magnetometer values
    // Print the heading and orientation for fun!
    // Call print attitude. The LSM9DS1's magnetometer x and y
    // axes are opposite to the accelerometer, so my and mx are
    // substituted for each other
    getAttitude(imu.ax, imu.ay, imu.az, -imu.my, -imu.mx, imu.mz);
    // Get barometric sensor valuues
    // Get telemetry signal quality
    // Get the battery state
// Send telemtry via timer
// Save state via timer


bool initIMU() {
      // Before initializing the IMU, there are a few settings
  // we may need to adjust. Use the settings struct to set
  // the device's communication mode and addresses:
  imu.settings.device.commInterface = IMU_MODE_I2C;
  imu.settings.device.mAddress = LSM9DS1_M;
  imu.settings.device.agAddress = LSM9DS1_AG;
  // The above lines will only take effect AFTER calling
  // imu.begin(), which verifies communication with the IMU
  // and turns it on.
  if (!imu.begin())  return (FALSE);

void getGyro()
  // To read from the gyroscope, you must first call the
  // readGyro() function. When this exits, it'll update the
  // gx, gy, and gz variables with the most current data.
  // Now we can use the gx, gy, and gz variables as we please.
  // Either print them as raw ADC values, or calculated in DPS.

  // If you want to print calculated values, you can use the
  // calcGyro helper function to convert a raw ADC value to
  // DPS. Give the function the value that you want to convert.
    pq.gyroX = imu.calcGyro(imu.gx);
    pq.gyroY = imu.calcGyro(imu.gy);
    pq.gyroZ = imu.calcGyro(imu.gz);

#elif defined PRINT_RAW
    pq.gyroX = imu.gx;
    pq.gyroY = imu.gy;
    pq.gyroZ = imu.gz;

void getAccel()
  // To read from the accelerometer, you must first call the
  // readAccel() function. When this exits, it'll update the
  // ax, ay, and az variables with the most current data.
  // Now we can use the ax, ay, and az variables as we please.
  // Either print them as raw ADC values, or calculated in g's.

  // If you want to print calculated values, you can use the
  // calcAccel helper function to convert a raw ADC value to
  // g's. Give the function the value that you want to convert.
  pq.accelX = imu.calcAccel(imu.ax);
  pq.accelY = imu.calcAccel(imu.ay);
  pq.accelZ = imu.calcAccel(imu.az);

#elif defined PRINT_RAW 
  pq.accelX = imu.ax;
  pq.accelY = imu.ay;
  pq.accelZ = imu.az;


void getMag()
  // To read from the magnetometer, you must first call the
  // readMag() function. When this exits, it'll update the
  // mx, my, and mz variables with the most current data.
  // Now we can use the mx, my, and mz variables as we please.
  // Either print them as raw ADC values, or calculated in Gauss.

  // If you want to print calculated values, you can use the
  // calcMag helper function to convert a raw ADC value to
  // Gauss. Give the function the value that you want to convert.
    pq.magX = imu.calcMag(imu.mx);
    pq.magY = imu.calcMag(imu.my);
    pq.magZ = imu.calcMag(imu.mz);

#elif defined PRINT_RAW

    pq.magX = imu.mx;
    pq.magY = imu.my;
    pq.magZ = imu.mz;

// Calculate pitch, roll, and heading.
// Pitch/roll calculations take from this app note:
// http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3461.pdf?fpsp=1
// Heading calculations taken from this app note:
// http://www51.honeywell.com/aero/common/documents/myaerospacecatalog-documents/Defense_Brochures-documents/Magnetic__Literature_Application_notes-documents/AN203_Compass_Heading_Using_Magnetometers.pdf
void getAttitude(float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz) {
  float roll = atan2(ay, az);
  float pitch = atan2(-ax, sqrt(ay * ay + az * az));
  float heading;
  if (my == 0)
    heading = (mx < 0) ? 180.0 : 0;
    heading = atan2(mx, my);
  heading -= DECLINATION * M_PI / 180;
  if (heading > M_PI) heading -= (2 * M_PI);
  else if (heading < -M_PI) heading += (2 * M_PI);
  else if (heading < 0) heading += 2 * M_PI;
  // Convert everything from radians to degrees:
  heading *= 180.0 / M_PI;
  pitch *= 180.0 / M_PI;
  roll  *= 180.0 / M_PI;
  pq.heading = heading;
  pq.pitch = pitch;
  pq.roll = roll;

// Web control of local storage

bool storeToggle(String command) {

    if (command=="on") {
        pq.storeEnable = TRUE;
        diagnostic("Local storage started");
        return (TRUE);
    } else if (command=="off") {
        pq.storeEnable = FALSE;
        diagnostic("Local storage stopped");
        return (FALSE);
    } else {
        return (FALSE);


// Web control of telemetry

bool telemetryToggle(String command) {
    if (command=="on") {
        pq.telemetryEnable = TRUE;
        diagnostic("Telemetry started");
        return (TRUE);
    } else if (command=="off") {
        pq.telemetryEnable = FALSE;
        diagnostic("Telemetry stopped");
        return (FALSE);
    } else {
        return (FALSE);

/*   Possible I2C EEPROM storage code

#include <Wire.h>         // Para a EEPROM 24LC256, assim chamamos as bibliotecas i2c
#define eeprom 0x50    // endereço da eeprom já shiftado

// Think about organizing as an array of fixed length string records.   With functions to store to the next record and then serially
// retrieve all the records

void initEEPROM {
  Wire.begin();           // Iniciar ligações i2c

  unsigned int address = 0;  //endereçamento a 2 bytes
  Serial.println("A escrever o melhor numero de sempre nos 10 primeiros bytes!");
  for(address = 0; address<10; address++) writeEEPROM(eeprom, address, '3');   // Va pub a mim! Encher os 10 primeiros bytes com o número 3
  Serial.println("Vamos ler se esta tudo ok, deves ver 33, 33, 33, 33... Vá 10x 33");

  for(address = 0; address<10; address++) {
     Serial.print(readEEPROM(eeprom, address), HEX); 
     Serial.print(", ");

//-------Rotinas para EEPROMS i2c por Daniel Gonçalves a.k.a. Tr3s------
// Podem usar estas rotinas à vontade para projectos particulares. 
// Para fins comerciais entrar em contacto com we_real_cool@hotmail.com
// Partilhem com apenas com o meu concentimento. 
// Se virem este código noutro sitio sem ser [url=http://www.lusorobotica.com]www.lusorobotica.com[/url] avisem de imediato para we_real_cool@hotmail.com!

void storeEEPROM (String buffer) {

void writeEEPROM(int deviceaddress, unsigned int eeaddress, byte data ) {
  Wire.send((int)(eeaddress >> 8));   // MSB
  Wire.send((int)(eeaddress & 0xFF)); // LSB

byte readEEPROM(int deviceaddress, unsigned int eeaddress ) {
  byte rdata = 0xFF;
  Wire.send((int)(eeaddress >> 8));   // MSB
  Wire.send((int)(eeaddress & 0xFF)); // LSB
  if (Wire.available()) rdata = Wire.receive();
  return rdata;

void displayGPSInfo() {

    if (!DIAG) return;
    Serial.print(F("Location: ")); 
    Serial.print(gps.location.lat(), 6);
    Serial.print(gps.location.lng(), 6);
    Serial.print(gps.altitude.meters(), 1);
    Serial.print(F("  Date/Time: "));

    Serial.print(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F(" "));
    Serial.print(gps.charsProcessed()); Serial.print(F(","));
    Serial.print(gps.sentencesWithFix()); Serial.print(F(","));
    Serial.print(gps.failedChecksum()); Serial.print(F(","));


I will comment out anything in the loop() first to see if it’s some initialization in setup() that failed.


Thanks for reminding me … I did that … as it happens the piece that seems to be causing the Electron SOS are starting the software timers in setup(). This works on the Photon.


Hmm–I don’t think that should be the case. Would you mid submitting an issue in the firmware repository, here:

Anything sample code you can include with the issue for the purposes of reproducing the problem would be really helpful!

1 Like


Thanks! Much appreciated.

Could you please re-test this now with v0.5.0rc1?
(Just got released for beta testing in Build)

I found a temporary workaround. What seemed to cause the problem on the Electron (but DID work on the Photon) was invoking Particle.publish within the timer callback. I will try this as I can.