Electron shows up as Photon in DFU mode

I tried on a different computer and it worked. I updated the electron

particle update
particle flash --usb tinker

and I am now to solve my original problem where the simple blinking code example doesn't run on my electron. I have followed up the exact problem in this thread!

In his case he was adviced to try
particle flash --usb firmware.bin
and this worked for him. I have tried this but it doesn't work.

So I have set the firmware back again

particle flash --usb tinker
And my electron blinks CYAN. I have been told to first get this BREATHES CYAN and not blinking cyan before continuing. I have tried all possible button combinations; RESET and MODE but the Electron keeps blinking cyan and not breathing. It appears this is the real problem I am having which leads to the fact that I can't get the simple code execute on the electron.
What can I do to get this device breathe cyan?