Hello everyone …I am not sure whats going on with the CLI Web IDE (ScruffR: corrected terminology) …I don’t know why but when I try a sketch …Any sketch I get the following without even trying to flash
src/temperature.cpp:1:31: fatal error: photon-thermistor.h: No such file or directory
#include "photon-thermistor.h"
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [../build/target/user/platform-10src/temperature.o] Error 1
make: *** [user] Error 2
I can change devices to a photon and the sketch works …Anyone ?? as well I could use a bit of a helping hand with flashing the electron with my PC .The command prompt doesn’t seem to be able to find my sketch…
below is the simple thermistor code
#include "photon-thermistor.h"
#include "application.h"
Thermistor *thermistor;
void setup() {
// For an NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistor only!
// 1. pin: Photon pin
// 2. seriesResistor: The resistance value of the fixed resistor (based on your hardware setup)
// 3. adcMax: The maximum analog-to-digital convert value returned by analogRead (Photon is 4095 NOT the typical Arduino 1023!)
// 4. thermistorNominal: Resistance at nominal temperature (will be documented with the thermistor, usually "10k")
// 5. temperatureNominal: Temperature for nominal resistance in celcius (will be supplied with the thermistor, assume 25 if not stated)
// 6. bCoef: Beta coefficient of the thermistor; usually 3435 or 3950 (will be documented with the thermistor)
// 7. samples: Number of analog samples to average (for smoothing)
// 8. sampleDelay: Milliseconds between analog samples (for smoothing)
thermistor = new Thermistor(A1, 10000, 4095, 10000, 25, 3950, 5, 20);
void loop() {
float tempF = thermistor->readTempF();
Particle.publish(String("temp"), String(tempF));
Yea …With the on line CLI Web IDE …If I pick the photon to flash it compiles ok then I pick the Electron …withput changing anything and it gets an errorr …Having another problem …my photons quit particle publishing … Ghosts ??
Its Doing it agai
n …src/my_house_tempcontrol.cpp:5:18: fatal error: DS18.h: No such file or directory #include “DS18.h”
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** […/build/target/user/platform-10src/my_house_tempcontrol.o] Error 1
make: *** [user] Error 2
Compiles fine when I pick my photons and I pick the electron …this is the error .Doesn’t matter what sketch I use …As long as there is an #INCLUDE in the sketch this is what happens… any thoughts ??