The $49/mo covers all products, and if the developer stops paying, the product keeps working, the developer just doesn't have access to the fleet management tools any longer. None of the tools that we're charging for are necessary for the product to function, which I think is an important part of our pricing model.
Well, that's not entirely true, based on your analysis above. If you sell 10 devices every month, and each device costs $0.20/mo (using your example below), then the first month you're paying $2, then $4, then $6, etc. After two years you're paying $50/mo, and after four years you're paying $100/mo.
The point I'm making is that we chose not to make our pricing scale with devices because if you're selling a device at a fixed margin you will eventually consume that margin due to your monthly fees. So if you make $20 of profit for each device and it costs you $0.20/mo to run it, then after your customer uses the product for 8 years, your profit has been consumed.
Our pricing model is based on # of team members, which we think is more reflective of the value your team is generating from the platform. You may do very active development on your product for the first three years of its life, and have a bunch of team members working on it, which is when you'd be paying the most (because you're using the platform very actively and deriving value). After those three years are up, you may no longer be doing active development on that product, and you can unsubscribe from the management tools. The product will keep working. And that's very important, I think.
I think the point that you made is very valid, and it comes down to the ratio between # of devices and # of members of the team. If you have a large team working with a small number of devices, our current pricing structure isn't going to work well for you, whereas if you have a small team working with a larger number of devices, the pricing structure should be great. No matter what we do, it's likely that some people will be happy and others will be unhappy. I do appreciate the feedback and we'll definitely consider other models.