Dead Spark, blue d7 led only, factory reset doesn't work

Hi all, I’ve got a similar issue to what others here have reported. Over the past few days the Spark has been losing network connectivity periodically and won’t reconnect until powered off and back on. I was only running a simple program with a dht11 sensor attached. Today the device failed completely. The blue corner led is illuminated…

I have tried to factory reset a number of times (and watched the example video on YouTube but without success.

Is there anything else I can try?

Thanks in advance.

Can you put your core into DFU mode? If so, you could try to flash tinker using the SparkCLI using the command spark flash --usb tinker

thanks for the quick response… It won’t go into DFU mode, the blue corner led just stays lit whatever i try…

Ok. Let’s try an alternate method, with your core plugged into your computer via USB:

  1. Unplug it from your computer. The LED should turn off
  2. With a finger press the mode button. Keep it pressed
  3. With your free hand plug the USB cable back into your computer
  4. Keep pressing the mode button until the main RGB led turns yellow OR 5-10 seconds pass
  5. Release the mode button and report back here

Unfortunately no result, just blue led and no other activity

I’m going to shoot you some more details on a support ticket. We might have to do a replacement

Thank you very much