Hi again guys,
Over the last 2 days I’ve had problems flashing my core. Firstly the computer wouldn’t reigster the core was connected under device manager but I solved this after many factory resets. I then flashed known working code onto the cores to test them, it ran fine. then I flashed the code I wished to test (Onto two seperate cores) One seems to be running the correct code while the other is running the code I used to test the cores. I’ve reflashed that same core 3 times with the new code and each time it is still running the old code. It’s worth mentioning I earlier had a “Server error” when I tried to flash some code but it seemed to work fine when I flashed it again. The cores are flashing magenta as usual. I can provide code if needs be but I think this is a hardware issue.
Just to be on the safe side, it’d be best if you added your code. It’s easier to debug your software, than it is to debug your hardware, so lets try that first