I’m trying to flash firmware to a Spark core and seeing a server error. I modified the particle-cli to show the error, and I get this:
$ time ./program-local l3d simple.ino
attempting to flash firmware to your device l3d
Flash device failed.
Server error: <html>
<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>
real 1m1.120s
user 0m0.720s
sys 0m0.086s
All of this points to the build server being down, but status.particle.io says everything is up. Can someone please take a look?
Thanks for posting, I’m in the same boat with the compile service. It’s been down for about an hour I think. Just long enough to research particle dev local compiler and tear my hair out with the lack of instructions.
attempting to compile firmware
Compile failed. Exiting.
Server error
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Good to know I’m not the only one… I’m working on other stuff while I wait. I sent a note to a couple of likely email addresses @particle.io just now.
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The Web IDE seems to be having similar problems. Strangely, I can compile if I use firmware v0.5.3, but I get a server error if I use v0.6.0 or greater.
Anyone know who to tag into the thread to get this running? It looks like the USA is going to be sleeping for the next 8 hrs or so.
Thanks for the tip. I just tried this and it programmed successfully for the first time tonight.
particle flash --target 0.5.3 l3d simple.ino
When I remove the --target 0.5.3
it fails again.
At first I thought it was just me, but thanks for the extra heads up that I’m not crazy. The elites are raising the alarms within Particle now!
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Update: Alert acknowledged. They’re looking into it now!
I’ve got this error in the web ide
The server has failed to process the request on time. Please try again
@NST1992, the engineers are still on it and we will update with more information whenever it’s available.
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New Incident Status: Identified
We've identified an issue with our compile service where jobs aren't getting submitted to the build farm. We're working on a fix.
Jun 7, 23:05 PDT
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New Incident Status: Monitoring
We've implemented a fix compile jobs are working again. We'll continue to monitor the system closely.
Jun 8, 00:07 PDT
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8 posts were split to a new topic: Hard fault with code
New Incident Status: Resolved
This incident has been resolved.
Jun 8, 01:03 PDT