I have run into a little trouble and wondered if you had come across it before. I am using sparkDev. It is refusing to load the list of my cores. So, thinking of a way around that I opened up the CLI and spark list gave me the following error
Retrieving cores… (this might take a few seconds)
listDevices got error: invalid_token
Potentially unhandled rejection [2] invalid_token (WARNING: non-Error used)
The cores that I have are plugged in and breathing cyan so I would expec them to show up.
Before i posted I pressed the reset button in the web ide. It did not work for me at first but after a few hours and on a different PC it has found the corse now.
When you mentioned peekay, about one of the token expiring I was a little confused. Doesn’t all of the cores claimed by me / allocated to my account, have the SAME access token, but different ID’s?
So in effect the access token is for my account not a core?
I don’t know if these things are related but I have recently tried to upgrade Spark DEV and it failed. I have pingged @suda, on this topic. So I am back to the web ide and cli. When in the IDE my flash requests time out. When I run sparklist in CLI I get an “invalid token” error. I reset my token last night (13hours ago) but it is still showing on the CLI this morning as invalid token.
Are these events (spark dev failing and token expiry) connected do you think?
@Julian, try logging out of Spark dev and login and it should work immediately. I hope that they switch over to using a non-expiring (till you log out and delete it) access token!
Thank you for your response. I have tried to upgrade the spark dev and it failed. I have uninstalled it. Is there another way to reset it? In the web IDE it does say now (I don’t know how long it has said it) that the tokens are everlasting, and tells you how to make them elapse if you want to.
Logged out of account in CLI,
Uninstalled SparkDev,
Restarted PC,
logged back into CLI- cores identified, all looks OK,
re-installed SparkDev,
All running OK.
What do you find is the best wasy to get a library into SparkDev?
At the moment I am,
making a new folder and opening it in spark dev.
open the web IDE and locate the library i want to use,
Cut and paste one tab at a time into Spark Dev,
save each tab as a file.
in spark dev I repeatedly get a undefined error when I try to flash a core. I have tried this with a couple of different cores and different codes.
To be more precise, in the bottom bar, the one where it says, flashing - if your core does not flash magenta then try again. OR success. In my case it waits a minute or so and then says Undefined…