Carthage Failure Adding Particle Setup Library

I created an Xcode project (Xcode 9.1, OS 10.13.1), and after creating the Cartfile, I ran these commands and got the following error,

Erics-iMac:ParticleSetupTest1 janicedelmar$ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
Erics-iMac:ParticleSetupTest1 janicedelmar$ carthage update --platform iOS --use-submodules --no-use-binaries
*** Cloning particle-setup-ios
*** Cloning onepassword-extension
*** Cloning spark-sdk-ios
*** Cloning AFNetworking
*** Checking out onepassword-extension at "04f146abd3bd5e6f7ba8b18b916c55f3b3c85aed"
*** Checking out AFNetworking at "3.1.0"
*** Checking out particle-setup-ios at "0.7.1"
*** Checking out spark-sdk-ios at "0.6.1"
A shell task (/usr/bin/env git submodule --quiet init -- Carthage/Checkouts/particle-setup-ios (launched in /Users/janicedelmar/Desktop/_XCode Projects/ParticleSetupTest1)) failed with exit code 128:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

The Cartfile has the following one line:

github "spark/particle-setup-ios" ~> 0.7.0

Any ideas what's going on here? @ido? @KyleG, is there someone else at Particle besides Ido, who could look into this. I'm dead in the water with this project until I can get this to work.

Let me ping someone that might be able to help, @rickkas7 are you able to assist?
