I have been scouring the forums and internet searching for a reliable capacitive touch algorithm for Particle’s development boards. Something akin to Paul Badger’s lovely Capacitive Touch Library built for Arduino (found here: http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/CapacitiveSensor?from=Main.CapSense).
I have been using some attempts at a translation of this (https://github.com/TangibitStudios/spark/blob/master/touch_sense/touch.ino), but I have experienced poor reliability with this code, and I get some moments of weird oscillating readouts when I touch a contact point (wiring here: http://jvs.me/spark-core/touch-sensing-on-the-spark-core/). I have a fair amount of confidence that this is not a wiring issue, as I have tried the same circuit with Arduino+Capacitive Touch Library which works consistently with no oscillation.
I wanted to do a quick sanity check with the community to see if there is a reliable algorithm/library that has been developed to simulate Paul Badger’s capacitive touch library for the Photon before I journey down the rabbit hole of trying to re-engineer one myself.