Can't flash new code

I recently purchased an internet button kit and am having some serious trouble with it. It took many attempts to get it connected. I finally was able to connect and flash some new code to it but things were spotty. Code finally took and now it is stuck with the RGB LED’s all on bright red, occasionally flickering to green. This seems to be related to the code I sent it that checked a value and changed the color accordingly. The problem is, I’ve flashed new code to the unit for hours now and can’t get the behavior to change.

The unit is breathing cyan, shows online in the web IDE, but shows offline in the iOS app.

Things I’ve tried:
-Safe mode: doesn’t enter safe mode despite the magenta indicator, still shows RGB LED’s at full red
-Unclaim and put in wifi credentials again
-Flash basic example codes. Sometimes they say flash is successful and yet no behavior change.
-Flash a code that ONLY says to turn all LED’s off. No change.
-Flash to Tinker via iOS app. Unsuccessful every single time, when I can get the app to recognize that it is online.

Any ideas? It seems connection to the cloud is being spotty and I just can’t get the unit to refresh to anything usable. It was working hours ago when the drama started and I have not moved the unit at all so it shouldn’t be a signal strength issue on the wifi.

Have you had the device out of its socket at any instance?
If so, make sure that it sits really tight in there again - push it till the plastic distance pieces touch the PCB. That seems to have been an issue for some.

Otherwise if you haven’t, try taking it out and flash the device without the extra circuitry. Be careful taking it out, the headers are really stiff, getting out or in :wink:

I hadn’t taken the device out of the button socket but managed to do so just now without bending anything up. Same issue repeated - breathing cyan on the unit and on the web IDE but showing offline on the iOS app, not being able to flash new code successfully.

On a hunch, I connected my laptop (which I’m also using to power the unit via usb) to my power adapter instead of running it off of battery. Suddenly, the unit came online on the iOS app. I put it into safe mode and flashed Tinker via the app and we seem to be back to normal. I’m about to try plugging the unit back into the button and sending it some code related to that to make sure all is good there.

Maybe my usb wasn’t providing enough power for the wifi to connect fully and some faulty half code managed to get flashed on there? Clearly a newbie to all of this so I’m certain my oh so technical definition falls short of the true culprit.