Restarted Windows-7.
Opened Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 m
Libraries > Internet Button > USE THIS EXAMPLE > Verify:
Compiling code...
(after about 25 seconds
Error: Could not compile. Please review your code.
8/10/2016 4:28PM PACIFIC TIME
Online IDE has been working for me a couple days. But today, now it doesn't even build the IB library.
I’m pretty sure there was a more elaborate error shown than that?
Try adding a blank line above the include. Not exactly sure why, but it seems to help.
That was the entire error message. The 25 compile attempt time perhaps means a communication issue between me in Pleasanton and the Particle server.
It started working again. Only takes 3 seconds to compile now.
Didn’t change anything.
Do you recommend CHROME of IE browser, for Particle build IDE?
I’d go for Chrome, IE does sometimes not like modern pages