Bug Bounty: Electron not booting after battery discharges completely

I have just suffered this issue on the 1.1.0 firmware.
Fortunately I had the Programmer Shield and could solve it in the day :slight_smile:

So I just left here the command executed on the windows 10 terminal, if someone needs it

C:\Users\ [name] \.particle\toolchains\openocd\0.11.1-adhoc6ea4372.0\bin>openocd -f interface/ftdi/particle-ftdi.cfg -f target/stm32f2x.cfg -c "init; reset halt; stm32f2x unlock 0; reset halt; flash protect 0 0 0 off; program C:\Users\bootloader-1.0.1-electron.bin verify 0x08000000;flash protect 0 0 0 on; exit"

Edit: After the recovery the blue light flashed very fast. In this post found the solution