BSOM Evaluation Board - State of Charge

I have been looking at adding a BSOM option for my counters for European and African customers. I plan to build my own carrier board but am starting with the BSOM Evaluation Board. I have not made any changes to the jumpers other than removing the four associated with Ethernet.

However, I cannot get an accurate state of charge or battery state using the System commands I typically use with the Boron. The documentation seems to imply that the BSOM will enable the bq24195 PMIC and MAX17043 fuel gauge by default. I can get battery voltage using the PMIC API call but what am I missing on using the System commands as I would like to maintain code compatibility with the Boron based devices.

I looked at this post for inspiration but my results are not the same when I run @tunahammer's code.

Here is my simplified sketch

#include "Particle.h"

SYSTEM_MODE(MANUAL);                        // This will enable user code to start executing automatically.
SYSTEM_THREAD(ENABLED);                             // Means my code will not be held up by Particle processes.

FuelGauge fuel;
SerialLogHandler LogHandler(LOG_LEVEL_INFO);

void setup() {
  waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 10000);				// Wait for serial connection
  delay(1000);"Finished setup with state of charge %4.2f battery at %4.2fV", System.batteryCharge(), fuel.getVCell());

void loop() {


0000002576 [app] INFO: Finished setup with state of charge -1.00 battery at 3.74V



Depending on how you set up the device, PMIC detection may or may not be enabled. I’d first try enabling it to see if that makes a difference.

SystemPowerConfiguration conf;
int res = System.setPowerConfiguration(conf);

@rickkas7 ,

Thank you for taking a look. Your approach makes sense since the BSOM can not always count on having a FuelGauge.

I updated the code to declare conf and then ran this in setup()

void setup() {

  waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 10000);				// Wait for serial connection
  int res = System.setPowerConfiguration(conf);"setPowerConfiguration=%d", res);"Finished setup with state of charge %4.2f batter at %4.2fV", System.batteryCharge(), fuel.getVCell());

But, this did not fix the issue:

0000002837 [app] INFO: setPowerConfiguration=0
0000002839 [app] INFO: Finished setup with state of charge -1.00 batter at 3.88V

This is a new evaluation board “M.2 SOM EVAL BOARD v1.1” and is is slightly different in appearance from the one in the docs:

The jumpers for the PM_INT, PM_SDA, PM_SCL are all closed.

Other things to try?

Thanks, Chip

The SoC and power source may not be available immediately after the PMIC is initialized. At least for testing, I’d try looping for a while and see if the result becomes available eventually. Maybe try every 5 seconds for a minute just to see if it’s a time-related issue or something else. You can do this in loop().

@rickkas7 ,

Thank you! Waiting a little bit was the solution. I wrote this sketch to see just how long - it very consistently comes back with the same answer 1.02 seconds.

This code works:

#include "Particle.h"

SYSTEM_MODE(MANUAL);                        // This will enable user code to start executing automatically.
SYSTEM_THREAD(ENABLED);                             // Means my code will not be held up by Particle processes.

FuelGauge fuel;
SystemPowerConfiguration conf;
SerialLogHandler LogHandler(LOG_LEVEL_INFO);

unsigned long clockStart = 0;

void setup() {
  waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 10000);				// Wait for serial connection

  clockStart = millis();

  int res = System.setPowerConfiguration(conf);"setPowerConfiguration %s", (res == 0) ? "was successful":"has failed");

void loop() {
    float stateOfCharge = System.batteryCharge();

    if (stateOfCharge == -1) delay(100);
    else {"State of charge %4.2f%% battery at %4.2fV after %4.2fseconds", System.batteryCharge(), fuel.getVCell(), (millis()-clockStart)/1000.0);


0000002536 [app] INFO: setPowerConfiguration was successful
0000003543 [app] INFO: State of charge 90.39% battery at 4.09V after 1.02seconds

Thank you for your help on this.


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