Boron vitals device.power.source

Looking at the vitals, I see 3 different types of devices in the battery category, wondering what the difference is between VIN, and USB Host. There is no Connection to the USB, just a battery and a solar panel wired into VIN/GND.

81.33 discharging battery
80.95 charging VIN
80.75 charging VIN
80.37 charging VIN
80.03 charging VIN
79.68 charging VIN
79.52 charging VIN
79.34 charging VIN
79.34 discharging battery
79 charging USB host
78.5 charging USB host


Did you ever connect the device to a computer by USB? That's what the USB host value means.

On the Boron, VIN is the VUSB pin, or power by micro USB charger (not a computer).

i had not used the USB in a while on these. Then I realized the CSV is latest dates at the top and not the bottom. :smile:

Thanks for the clarification.

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